All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. I only see our used poor farms complaining here about how much their asses hurt everytime they move a muscle...
    Alison you are one of our farms we already used, there is no fun to kick a dead chicken. We already did our job. You are a fail, you are irrelevant... Check your accounts. All potless, some turned pure spy while you were on moments of terror, some changed build to a statless accounts trying to avoid our fire...
    Can you realize now how irrelevant you are? New Age took everyting from you. Not only "fake gold" but the real money you spent to buy big account with trillions in allies (breaking ToU) then wake up naked after a sweet n long night. yeah I imagine how does it hurts. Thats why we pitty you for your big fail on this game.

    Complaining about us, wont bring your gold back, your real money or your allies. So I hope you and our other used farms go search for another game, go play golf, try to build a real life. Because those crying on forums all day got no rl as you can see. Sorry about that but thats what happens with who dont respect us. :evil:

    Good luck on that, trust on urselves you can change your life to not end on another fail as KaW...
  2. so alison trashes new age as a clan who cant kaw well and executiony responds with pointless misogynistic talk (giggle) classy (wink)
  3. I like how like 3 people are the only ones achnoledging I'm here
  4. Referring to two pages back anyone can pin a player (exept new age apparently) (no inc for 3 days from them) the only real accomplishment is beating a player that's a feeling new age will never know you all will only know defeat
  5. @ strauhs. Did you just accuse me of buying an account?
  6. My kingdom is sitting at loa, with 220 bil of allies. You're taken nothing from me.

    At least come and tell the truth.

    At least think of a better excuse why you can't strip me
  7. Now Alison thank you for defending me but I can handle these people they have the intellectual capacity of first grade dropouts the insults they say mostly reflect upon themselves to make them feel better over the course of this thread I've noticed two things that are important 1.noob age try's to act big and bad while doing nothing at all (kinda smart if you think about it but won't possibly work) 2.that one statless alt powned all of noob age while he himself was a noob (brilliant got a lot of laughs at how noob age tried to handle him)

    Anyway the point is noob age does nothing yet claims to be so badass that Jesus himself should bend over backwards to do anything for them

    They try to impose their (nonexistent) will on everyone they come across it would work if people didnt see right through it and determine they would challenge noob age. These people will definatly destroy noob age in this fight I should know :) I'm one of em as you can see anyway ally's hired by friends gold banked night forums

    P.s. night twitt and all of noob age
  8. I love how the worst things Balto and Alison can call New Age is noobs.
  9. I can't believe I'm staying up to dignify your post with a response I don't believe that I need to explain why I choose the insults I choose they have purpose I called them more than just noobs by the way anyway trogan welcome to hell population you
  10. False accusation of a player of buying accounts is a ToU violation and the end result will be a 24 hours forum ban.

    If you believe that a player has purchased accounts or is account sharing please email with details on the email and proof of the player buying the accounts, every login has a IP address linked to it, if the account was open on another device or pc the IP address will change and then the developers would see that was account sharing or selling.

    So my suggestion is to not accuse players on forums for making these accusations on our public channels. Thank you.
  11. I see Balto and Alison need the book Anger Management for Dummies!
  12. Screw it ill get you tommarow I'm going to sleep like I said do what you want take the 6 mill gold I left out I'll get 300 times that much in 9 hits
  13. Ty eagle.

    Twitts idiot clan stripped the wrong person because they are so stupid. Furthermore, they know this and are to weak to admit they made a blunder, so instead continue to lie on forums.

    My kingdom _alison_ sits with 220 bil of allies.

    Them .

    New age are a joke.
  14. One New Ager said I was his perm-farm...6 inc in a month... New Age is dead like my newsfeed
  15. Just want to know how your shoes Can Be both hairy and shiny ? Perhaps its the hair that are shiny ?? Please post a picture 
  16. Oil on feet maybe?
  17. Lol one account naked and ps and other is a tiny guild which majority of clan is too strong to hit. "Yip!! Yip!! Bites ankles!" remind you of anyone folks?

    @balto.... Stripped naked. Used
  18. Ampersand . Lol

    @balto.. Stripped naked. Used and abused. Messed up so much you're leaking. Never hit back. So now you find these threads and talk all day

    That's all you guys can do. Attempt to trash talk.
  19. It's now two seconds into a different day I gave him enough time to bank my alarm went of game on :)
  20. Ikko all I have to say is find an original insult