All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Hairy and shiny are conflicting.
  2. Well some hair is shiny but ill admit my first thought is they were conflicting
  3. I just don't understand how a clan boss makes a thread calling people who join families weak, then has all his clan brag on the thread how they dominate individual players?

    Where is the skill in that?

    What clans can this new age actually fight?

    New age can't even properly do that. Instead when they fail they call you insignificant, or make some excuse.

    If this was kotfe assassins, they would have stitched up and closed the mouths of all trash talkers super quick. They would genuinely keep a player pinned round the clock, instead of making excuses like new age.

    Where's all the incoming new age? You're not a war clan. You're a clan full of idiots.

    Your whole clan farmed balto. Big deal. Any clan can farm one player. Any clan.
  4. No families? No allies?
    2clans vs 1clan seems legit
  5. Lol baby Alison u still looking for attention

    We do comeback to you when u get allies and pots.
    Same with balto and rest of our around 15 farms I think it is atm. We enjoy this you should to, u made us aware of you and now you are naked and potless in most of your accounts.

    But really your mom and daddy should really try learn you how to trash talk, you just repeat your self like an old record player.  and more sounds iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    You truly are the tiniest trash talker I encounter and even stateless troll account trash talk better than u

    But hey it's your thingy keep it up someday you might learn something even I doubt it.
  6. My main kingdom has 220 bil of allies you stupid old fool. Is a tiny guild hansel.

    I like how you talk such rubbish about not needing families. Yet you call in the help of that fail clan vida loka, to help you farm a clan that only does forgotten ones.

    Real kaw warriors?
    Real kaw nobody's more like it.

    Be glad you have me to trash talk for you twitt. Otherwise this fail thread would have died after 3 pages, unlike your clan which died a very long time ago. New age? More like old 
  7. No secret I got an alt in vida loka, if u were good allusion alison you should have find it long time ago

    Brazilians players rules ️ best warriors I seen so far kaw, hmm wonder that's why I like them equal nutcase as me 
  8. No one cares about your stupid alt twitt. Brazil is a nice country. I won't say a bad word about that. I hope to visit their someday.

    Brazilians who live in my country are nice people. Albeit, concerned more with fiesta rather than responsibility.
  9. Aww alison, ignorance is bliss right? You must be the most blissful person I have ever met.

    Keep crying sweetheart. Your tears when you fight someone who actually fights back are delicious. Shame your only good at picking on the weak and defenseless.

    How's the stalking of us going? Keep obsessing sweetheart, it's healthy.
  10. @ lll___excuses_angel___llll. You have the nerve to say I pick on weaker players, while your whole clan farms balto?

    Please don't post anymore. You're an embarrassment to yourself and your clan
  11. Rofl alison. Again your math sucks. If our whole clan is farming Balto, how are we farming you and your wonderful alts. Even your non existent alt...or our other targets?

    You're deluded sweetheart. You got nothing. Just like your rl.

    Keep it flowing sweetheart. It's like your time of month permanently. Your iron level must be frightfully low.
  12. That's my point you stupid noob. You aren't farming me. My main kingdom has 220 bil of allies. You stupid fail. Run along back to obscurity, where you came from.
  13. Alison are you simple? Seriously? You do know the difference between farming an stripping, oh wait, you spend all your time being ineffective in a war game. My bad.
  14. Well come and strip me then you idiot.

    Time zone Melbourne .

    The same kingdom that farms your weak hansel day in day out.

    Your clan is so pathetic.
  15. Geez you like the sound of your own typing...get some new material.

    Comprehend what you are reading. And we have discussed your 'timezone' might want to google what a timezone actually is.

    You don't take direction do you? Simple things confuse you? Shoo Alison, you're bully farming doesn't work on people who fight back. You such a wannabe.
  16. I'm a wannabe and you're a nobody. Who are you again ? I'm so simple I keep forgetting.
  17. Haha "whiny alison" I gonna start call you 

    Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii whiny alison strike again hahahaha
  18. Twitt. Please leave my thread. You are off topic and intentionally flaming.