All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Oh sorry, wrong info. Read the thread wrong
  2. Don't know how would all that be on the wrong thread. Even so, which thread was it?
  3. Quit trying to cover it up because you scared of taking inc. if you say something then stand by your word. Don't be a ***** about it. Worst that happens is they take fake gold
  4. Averageham Lincoln :lol:
  5. Knight of twisted stihl how am I trying to hard in fact I'm not even trying at all all I'm doing is winning
  6. Lmao balto, just keep dreaming boy
  7. I will cause I've lost no sleep to this
  8. Bump so I can read later. As opposed to now, while I'm bumping this thread. Or later, by just scrolling to it in the specific forum it was posted in.
  9. I think I'll farm this asshat just because every time they post on forums it is moronic and the clan lays over for free mith. Quality
  10. What I remember about New Age was a lot of smack talk but very little action...mostly noobs trying to smack english with an accent. Slightly more exciting than visiting a petting zoo.

    Having said that, shiny hairy shoes never came up...

    Hee Haw
  11. Let me explain something to Sihl.

    BCE is lucky i was in a clan of friends that could potentially get hit, otherwise i would probably be clanless/potless still pounding on their ass right now.

    I'm only a gh to make bank so i can convert. Have a problem? Find my newsfeed.
  12. Ahhh donkey, you lost trillions because of us? Your name is a copy of one our members...which you changed to while we were beating on you.

    You aren't even in the clan we found you in anymore, so no clan loyalty, you imitate our members names, and you lost trillions to us.

    You're hardly a credible witness now are you?
  13. Lol hey angel...I don't remember you - are you new to NA? Nevertheless, I'm a PS so losing trillions is an abundant stretch. Wave that "legend" flag mate.

    Cool name though :D

    Hee Haw
  14. Lol @ Balto.
    " I've lost no sleep to this."
    Pretty hard to even want to lose sleep if you have no allies to watch over ;)
  15. Bunch of chest thumping going on in here....somebody is trying to overcompensate for something...
  16. Should I change my name to angel_executer?
  17. I have bronze bars what do I need ally's for if I need one I can cash in a couple thousand of my 100k bronze bars
  18. Quick question how can shoes be hairy just saying that's illogical and not well thought out