All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. I'm a old timer still hitting in osw 
  2. For frac, and all the others on this thread and in forum, using double negative " Family clans ". You do relish that the definition of a clan is *a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship * Hence a clan is a family.
  3. Players that don't have English as there first language might not understand and should be givin a break from the grammar nazis. Buy English first folks. You should be ashamed
  4. If a family is a clan, and it is; then family clans are many families fighting together.

  5. @incognito - i notice it doesnt show the stats on there, meaning the ss was taken of someone elses account -> not your own.

    Suck on my ballsack
  6. Oh and here we frac another forum fighter who is the only one in KaW who's auto correct works 24/7 and who's AC has never replace the intended word. Here you go frac. so your ***** isn't sore. realise or realize what ever your country's preferred spelling is.
  7. I dont give to flying fucks if you typoed.


    I just like relish.
  8. If I were a hot dog I would smother myself in mustard and relish
  9. I would be delicious^ lmao
  10. incognito, That ss proves nothing.
    You could have eaisly ss someone other's equipment.

    If that is you, then you really are a coward for not bringing out your main.

    No respect to cowards and statless alts.
    All they do is talk big and ack like someone they are not.
  11. by Priceless on Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:54 pm :roll:

    @incognito - i notice it doesnt show the stats on there, meaning the ss was taken of someone elses account -> not your own.
    Suck on my ballsack

    LOL yes you're absolutely right ass hole, but what you don't realize is that screenshot wasn't actually taken from my main. i used an older phone with this account to take the screenshot :roll:

    now YOU can suck MY ballsack :roll:

    anything else smarty pants? :| :roll:
  12. By the look of your statlessness.. Your ballsack has not dropped yet..

    Therefore making it impossible to suck your ballsack
  13. Using a statless alt to smack talk is like tucking your frank n' beans between your legs then claiming you are well hung
  14. To the other comment on the last page. That is a screenshot of my account. I can stake my life on it :| . i will 1v1 or 1vclan whoever figures out my main. But i wont make it easy, i will unequip most of it :cool: :lol:

    have fun figuring out who my main is! i put you up to the challenge lol

    to those who are calling me a "coward", it's a matter of opinion really. you call it "cowardly", i call it SMART lol.
    i have my reasons for using a staless alt.i have nothing to prove to any of you nubs on here
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Then put your money where your mouth is coward.
  16. You can't cuz your Lying. Liar liar pants on fire
  17. Well I called you out 1 vs 1 if u dared igognito

    Full strip 1 vs 1

    So pm your main I promise not tell anyone and we start strip and hit each other
  18. your so smart hiding your main. hitting the pork chop EB .
  19. Twicc he won't. He's prob in his moms basement playing with his main. $50 says its as tiny as his alt 
  20. @Incognito
    1. you realize that there's only a handful of ppl on top 50lb with that set of gear right? most of them have super gear from summer wars.

    2. it's really more embarrassing that (if you really are) you're top 50 lb and you have all that bfa, all those resources, and top tier EE gear and yet you're afraid of "having your 2 years work go down the drain"..