All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. hahaha. Poor Lil alison already got 2 accounts naked n broke. Now she wants us to take that one too. Lol. Ur tz is known. U don't need to tell us. I personally tracked u the first time. Ur tz was easy to figure out. U became a zombie after that 
  2. Respect for angel, mercado and a few others at NA only. The rest are illiterate noobs hiding behind their clan.
  3. Are we still playing that game where you calling that other account mine?

    This kingdom you fail stripped 700 bil. You lost your chance right there.

    I have one other small guild hansel only a few people know about.

    My main kingdom is the guild hansel that is whacking all your hansels most days


    That person you stripped 2.7 tril is not me.
    Most noob age know this.
    I know this
    If you believe is anything else. Call me out, as buying or accepting another account.

    Contact ata and have them check.
    You need to just swallow the fact you stripped some idiot who took my name.

    Sorry to disappoint.
  4. Says he hates eb clans and new generation of KaW yet has eb equip 
  5. And BFA how you get that?
  6. Alison you still flapping those gums? Congratulations on completely missing the point of the thread.

    Just like rl, it's not all about you sweetheart. You are insignificant to us. Hate to tell you, you're just a bully farmer who delights in the tears of the weak, you and Swabia should date. Your children could be the poster kids for contraception.
  7. Well that was just plain mean.
  8. @ Illll__accusation_angel__llll

    You call me a bully farmer? What is it your whole clan do to players like balto?

    The point of the thread is that twitt says whoever need a whole alliance to fight is weak,
    Yet your clan need a whole clan to fight individual players. Who's the real bullies?

    You won't find me whining in cc when I get hit,
    I use my own resources to fight as best my build allows me.

    You're a joke. This thread just reeks of hypocrisy.

    Find a clan to fight instead of players to fight.
    Maybe imagine what it's like to win just one system war. Just one. Your track record against clans is 13 to nil.
  9. Why are your shoes hairy Twicc?
  10. I'm sure we've got a win in there somewhere. Lol. Carnage attack any1 in NA and find out who hides behind!
  11. Wow alison. You really miss the point don't you. The game, the thread, previous comments.

    Keep your stupidity flowing sweetheart, don't go changing, you're a gift that just keeps giving...

    And now you mention Balto, so all of a sudden our whole clan is on you and on Balto....AT THE SAME TIME, and on Swabia, and on majestysfanboy, and our other targets. Your math is failing as much as your personality.
  12. Ok. I found 6 wins. Lol. Alison maybe some math and reading lessons are in order. Ur eyes and mind are playing with ur thought process. Or maybe ur still butthurt over all ur hard work gone in a few hours.
  13. Sorry lllll__accusation_angel__lllll, your feeble attempt at insults just make you sound whiny.

    Saying I'm insignificant is merely your way of saying you have no resources to stop me whacking all your members everyday.

    Build a guild. Farm new age. Sell the guild. Regen . Repeat.. To easy.
  14. Twitt really should ask that member with the silly clan name in capital letter to stop posting. It's a silly little noob, with silly nonsensical posts.
  15. Lol@ alison. Wacking new age? Hahaha. Only time I get inc is when I wack u! Lol. My plans were to strip u like I promised. And dont worry _alison_ is next. :) ur cute.
  16. Rofl, you keep whacking our alt gh's. You're really proving your point.... As for attempts at insulting you???? You're failing to read and comprehend.

    That potential I once credited you with, perhaps I spoke too soon. You are proving to be on the lower end of the evolutionary scale. Keep wasting your time sweetheart. You are our entertainment.
  17. Hauntedfate
    Heartbroken princess

    And that guest babykii that ran away

    Get most of the attention.

    Kingdingbat you are actually, no offense. Pointless to farm. I farmed you a few weeks ago day in day out and you did nothing, you didn't hit back. You didn't self pin. You just took it. You are pointless.
  18. lol little baby alison before we stripped your big account you clame was not yours the account was hitting me, and I naked players who hit me

    So if you clame it's yours or not doesn't matter to me, it's still naked cos attacking me 

    I can agree we only had two clans so far latest 2-3 years who I can tell fighted good vs us in NA they know who they are we know who they are, was very fun pounding on them

    We even have had farms I have most respect for hanging out when we pounded them day and night, those players are NA today, I can tell you will never be any good dam or osw player. So I suggest for U Alison any care bear games will suit u 
  19. I'm not going to keep arguing with you. I've had my fill of trash talk for one day.

    I will leave you with this though.

    Your own new age member says that you planned to strip me so I could upgrade.

    Not clean out my gold. Help me upgrade?

    Who does that? That is why you are noob age

  20. Lol. U didnt upgrade much. We least half. Dont lie. And yes I currently was off for a bit. Excuse me for having a life. :) im back tho. Can I get sum love now?