Alison (SkinnyMinny)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by S0L, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. I don't know what to think. Sol denied being in zaft then was proven wrong. He then described his sol account as a meat shield ( not the farming machine he opened his op with). He then is shown kinda begging for alison to unblock him so he can talk to her. Also, why drop main's build if you have an alt that can get the job done?
  2. He followed me to the clan im in and has been asking me to come to cc also.

    He claims I'm not hitting him but has both spy
    Mith spells cast.

    He is potless, no allies, no gold left.

    His op dropped his build so I can't hit it. That's ironic considering his op.

    His 2 kingdoms are just carcasses now with nothing left but a fast dwindling mith supply.

    All the haters that I've never heard of come on to these kind of threads making all sorts of stupid claims about how easy I am to fight, that I'm a coward who's scared to get hit etc etc.

    If I'm scared to be hit then why do I have thousands of battle losses more than the idiots who make these claims? It's you people who are scared to get hit. I get hit all the time, as my losses reflect.

    It's easy to sprout rubbish when We are not in the same hitting range. Why not try me?

    Find out for yourselves instead of making stupid claims and accusations.

    I assure you. I will block and I will hit you and I won't stop. I have my own funds to strip, I never ever ask for help. I fight my own fights regardless the odds.

    Do you ?
  3. Ive stripped u both now go gogooooogo.
  4. ||||smack-your-cow||||
    Fb steal np
    5/5/1 att p
  5. Wanna know why I was full mithed? Check the fella on my wall, and you'll find out. ;)
  6. You're a joke. You just have endless excuses and stupid reasons for losing miserably in under a week. You idiot.

    You can blame the guy on your wall now. Nice work by you.
  7. Op story doesn't quite check out. I am leaning to believe he is frustrated and want to patch things up with alison.
  8. My story doesn't have to check out. The hits are still coming and going, isn't it Alison? You're the one trying to make assumptions about me to deny that you've been bothered all these days because I haven't backed down.

    Why don't you show ss of your news feed? I wasn't the one pinning my spies and troops on the eb yesterday. That was one of the reasons why I joined your same clan. I have ss that proves it. You were practically two hours without visiting my news feed, yet your name was all over the battle log.
  9. I've played this game longer than most. Certainly longer than op. I've seen it all played out before many times.

    What has happened is now his end game. He has almost run out of spy atk pots and so won't be able to even touch my top tier pots. He cannot and has at no time broken my pot wall.

    He has no gold. No allies so cannot fund his own fight. He is left relying on mith cast to achieve a successful action.

    In a few more days if not sooner he won't be able to even touch top teir pots, let alone achieve a successful action.

    Hi best recourse is to start a fight elsewhere and use that as his excuse.

    I won't post here again, and as I said already. I won't stop. I won't unblock you. There will be no cease fire.
  10. You are the one with no allies abso. It would be helpful to your thread if YOU provide those ss.
  11. Having no allies limits your options. Almost no gold from successful actions, no punch. Soon, you will run outta mith and you won't get more because no clan warring is gonna take you like that. And if you cannot make gold you cannot buy mith.
  12. I'll use whatever measures necessary to continue the fight. I second your motion, Alison. I think we've talked too much, we've had our fun in this thread. It's time to let it die and continue the fight where it's rightfully appropriate.

    But please, don't go around saying you haven't had a good fight, cuz that would make you one hell of a liar.
  13. " I think we've talked too much"? By the looks of it, it is mostly you. You made this thread. She even blocked you man. How is it that she has talked too much?
  14. Alison kill him and be done with it.
  15. El sid is out for blood 
  16. Its not about what you make but what the other loses. Besides you can buy gold with nobs if it came down to that.
  17. How about DayWing kills everyone? :)
  18. lmao alison has always sucked
  19. lol. i don't like alison much but she's smackin you. and if you wanna continue playng you'll ask for a cf or you'll quit playing altogether.
  20. hey alison keep hitting me! im inactive :D have fun