Alison (SkinnyMinny)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by S0L, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Boots is actually posting a PvP thread? She got pwnd by my attk build for 2 dys so she has been hiding in pin yesterday and today. It's shameful.

    She resets to avoid a different 1v1
    Acquires HLBC hansel
    Self pins to avoid 1v1 my attk.

    Although she did start hitting my hansels on day 1. After I sat on her she pretty much started hiding and has been since.
  2. You look good sitting at the bottom of the zaft roster, coming to forums as their representative. As the new face of zaft! The new forum friendly zaft. Funny stuff.
  3. Who is sitting at the bottom of ZAFT roster?
  4. Absolet, op
    He just left or they sent him away
  5. I dunno what you're talking about, I'm not in Zaft. You're hallucinating.
  6. Why did you have zaft genesis on your banner?

    This thread really is stupid.
  7. Op was requested to leave, and is welcome after the personal issues with you are over, He left on good terms, and will be heading back soon.
  8. Listen to king. Hurry and delete your wall before it's gets screen shot

  9. I wasn't requested to leave, I left on my own behalf. Always do when I have issues of this nature, so people like Alison don't wander around talking crap that I involve my family when this clearly is my issue.
  10. There's nothing to hide, you know where I come from, and I left on my own terms to farm you. Does that makes any difference? No.
  11. I never said you involved anyone. You did. Maybe you need to stop talking and just stick to the news feed instead.
  12. Support 
  13. Alison... U tell op to stop talking and fight... But yet u talk more than anyone on kaw. Maybe u should listen to your own advice for a change? I know, I know... I'm a pig, swine, etc....
  14. Who Alison?
  15. You forgot gutless
  16. qq moar
    Also just qq

    See how I just used both versions of qq?
  17. Vulture. I didn't make the thread. I haven't been on forums for quite a while. I was quite happy quietly making my fight with this guy.
  18. Support Absolet.
  19. Who Alison ?
  20. I don't know what she wants to prove by hitting my meat-shield-alt. I guess it'd be better if she hits someone who actually hits back. Then again, that helps me pin her easier.

    Go on Alison, continue with your stupidity, you're making things way more easier. ;)