Alison (SkinnyMinny)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by S0L, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. She dropped her build smaller so you'd have to as well then she rebuilt to make you look a fool I'd say her tactic was good
  2. Most people wouldn't sacrifice their hard-earned stats just to farm some noob who doesn't like to play fair. I don't find it tactical, I find it a coward move. She wasn't expecting that build drop, she thought she could conduct her old plan of dropping and placing builds to annoy the **** outta me, but she failed.

    The worst enemy of someone who doesn't care, is another person who doesn't care either.

    S0L ;)
  3. Actually that was pretty smart :lol:
  4. Op is an idiot. He's one of those noobs that makes a fight with me praying I make a thread so he can get some attention. Instead he just got blocked and his news filled everyday.

    He's just a zaft noob fail. Screen shots are always better.




    Well that's op potless. Stripped. Useless.


    So along comes ops main kingdom. Now also potless stripped and useless


    Nice work zaft noob. You're really showing me.
  5. Smaller or bigger, it doesn't make any difference to me, I'll still fight her as I've fought tons of people ten times bigger than me.

    After all, it's all about having fun. :D
  6. HAHAHAHA, you still got a lot to learn about me hun. I never use sdp because I always have my last resource which is turning ps. You, in exchange, have a lot to lose. Tell the community why you dropped builds after two days of farming, so much that I had to drop more to be able to hit you. You're a joke, piggie.
  7. Alison, you are one to talk about attention. I've seen you make your share of threads for "attention".

    Me and ABSOLET don't see eye to eye but I believe you just pick a fight with the wrong person. I look forward to your CF thread
  8. Oh, and for the record, you didn't strip me, I dropped my allies. ;)
  9. Op will likely need troll to and whoever to find the 20 bil to strip me. Op and op's main kingdom have no gold left.

    He lost this fight within a couple of days. Now all he has is excuses, and his dead kingdoms, also now his funny thread.

    Thanks op. I hadn't used forums for a while.

    There a reason zaft are told to stay off forums. Op and this fail thread is the reason why I suppose.
  10. Dont think allies are needed to fight a war. Probably just makes it easier with all the gold in bb's.
  11. Op is lying. I stripped him everyday until he stopped having allies. He needed to keep pinning on haunting escapes his idiot clan run every now and then to fund his fail. Then he ran out of gold altogether.

    Op. You should go pure spy as you just stated. That's a natural progression of a kingdom that's lost a fight and can't face up to it yet.
  12. I've noticed that the one losing a 1v1 will usually be the one trash talking the most.
  13. Sorry to say op, but alison won since atthr end you droppes build
  14. Duck are you stupid? Would that mean Alison lost long ago since she dropped build cuz she didn't wanna be hit.
  15. You did two "big" strips, the next day I waited awake all night for you to take action, you didn't do ****. After those two strips, I'd drop allies consecutively before hitting the sack, the rest have been useless 490m allies.

    Who's lying, you say? Enough talk, let trolls and forumers decide whether to keep this thread alive or not; you know where to find me.
  16. Op's main kingdom absolet is suddenly trying to get some allies to save face.

    Absolet now has a crabby 500 mil ally.

    He will be whacking apherium to get as much as he can To try for max under to refute what I have posted. How droll. How very droll
  17. I've made sure you wake up to my name in your news feed, and that's what you should care about right now. Gold and allies are irrelevant here, they've always been to me, what matter is endurance, how long you can keep up this pace.
  18. No body cares about your pvp experience just do it off the forums....bleh
  19. I'll pretty sure drop that ally later. Still, what you'll do next? You old schools think winning a war is about how much gold or allies you can take off your enemy. We'll see if that works for you this time, pig.
  20. I agree with nivans. Nobody cares. Lock this trash. Stick to the news feed.

    I'm sorry this fight didn't turn out the way you hoped op.