Alison (SkinnyMinny)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by S0L, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Farming Alison to reset is like thrown gasoline on fire to put it out.

    You are only playing into her game.

    May be your style also, but her goal is to get under your skin.

    Yours is to have her reset.

    As of now, she is winning that battle. Gold is of no importance in these battles.
  2. It's actually fairly easy to get under her skin
  3. Oh, I guess I can just ignore her then, I'm not dropping builds, lol
  4. She lost already dropping to that **** build.
  5. Face it you've lost when you had to post to this thread and talk about Allison...
  6. Face it.. Alison is cancer.
  7. Alison is supposed to have lost yet she has a 20 page thread that is completely about her. Which is not only 20 pages but STILL being bumped 2 months after said threads' creation. Im not exactly a fan of alison but I fail to see how she is losing.
  8. Hm I am interested I her build though. Looks like it works well
  9. Wait, wait, losing what? It's just thread of pepole expressing their hate for Alison's build! She's getting under our skin and that's good, but she's not actually causing any damage to us in anyway. XD
  10. Well how much damage can you cause on a game? Quite frankly she ticked all of you off enough to make a thread dedicated to her and still continue to talk about her. If I were her I would just sit and watch y'all boil. Which it feels thats what she's doing cause I'm yet to see her post on this thread. If you want her to lose then lock the thread. Otherwise she's a winner in my eyes.
  11. another thread would pop up. this isn't the first and won't be the last.
  12.  Says is not a fan of Alison huh? Anyways, she isn't winning anything, his thread is staying open mainly because we can all relate to how annoying she can be, but it won't keep is from getting bigger, to the point where she can touch us, WE are growing, she is dropping builds, so, take a knee and gather yourself, realize, you an I buddy, WE are the one who are "winning" not her.
  13. Sorry word waster, meant for pennay
  14. I am not allowed to post here, yet I felt the need to clarify some things I've read in this necro bumped thread before I disappear to never come back again.

    Skinnyminny and I went hitting each other for a full month before I decided to stop and continue my growth. Her strategy might be good, but it's a cowardly one, therefore she lacks my respect in that part. Yes, I cannot deny she's a very consistent hitter and she never backs down and for that she gets her credit, but nothing more. Consistent hitters you can find in any part of KaW, but hitter that aren't scared to grow and hit bigger players, and be consistent on top of that? Those are hard to find.

    This war between her and me (S0L) has been over for a month, so you do whatever you want with this thread, all that's left to say is, if you don't know anything about what happened between our PvP, don't talk ****. S0L out. ;)
  15. So that is your mAin huh? Cool.
  16. Lol well said (probably talking about me) 
  17. There's Only Two Ways YOU Win
    1. Cf/Apology thread
    2. They quit KaW all together

    JUST because she reset doesn't mean you've won time will tell over and over she builds back up and comes hitting back hard, the true weak ones are the ones that start threads boasting about it