Alison (SkinnyMinny)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by S0L, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Alison is the name of my Ex 0_0
  2. Lol this guys gon get kicked from ZG
  3. Support I don't like that little turd little mrs Alison
  4. Alice is the name of a girl I had a crush on, and is now fat.
  5. This thread is still not locked wow
  6. In after the trolling
  7. All these invalid points 0.0 Sol dropped build he was WAY bigger than Alison and also Alison is a guild Hansel she always has been yet she's only taking heat for being one now? People want to be against something for the sake of being against it so they see someone better than them and call them a cheater a noob or a coward.
  8. lol whoever alison farms complains about her methods. some are shady but a build mechanic is just the game
  9. Alison wins. Farming and trolling players is suppose to be fun for the farming and troll, not the target.

    All those complaining only proves she is winning in her personal mission.
  10. Alison has not always been a guild hansel. At one point she was an attack build bigger than me when we first met.
  11. I still have her original account on my list.
  12. Yeah but she is still a prick, because I don't wanna change build to hit her, but the best part is, in my feed all of her attempts to hit have failed 
  13. But she does manage to steal abut 7 million gold
  14. That's about it lol, I wanna farm her till reset lol
  15. Nobody cares mate.
  16. Well, actually, before you open your mouth just know that,'you are only speaking for yourself. You don't care, and, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn
  17. Oh and don't farm
  18. Just because you are too incompetent for comebacks. :lol: