alison. kingdoms at war veteran and truth sayer

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fgdhvxhchfidkdjdzgsdhshxhjcgsy, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. What kind of game so you play with 64 Commodores?
  2. There are children around, this is a 9+ game! 
  3. A Commodre is an old school computer. Like, old school, old school. I heard the creator of Minecraft programmed on that thing when he was a kid.
  4. Ultima 2 was my favourite , but there was a guy named van Bremen who was 2 bus rides away that charged $10 in those days for a disk of games pirated.

    Load " whatever", 8,1
  5. Also. I only trash talk and make threads when I drink. Today is such a good day in Australia to be drunk and relax and play kaw.

    I just looooove japanese food with vodka. Great combination 
  6. Well played. Guess I have to start being active and fight people again to maintain a healthy balance of noob tears in kaw ... I was finally about to quit to. Damn.

  7. Meh. I go to Chipotlé

    Do Australians even have a Chipotlé?
  8. Lol yea sure....
  9. Well I practically had quit. Spent the last month straight up just training every day.
  10. Maybe been on kaw a total of three hours this month.
  11. I guess when we argued and I called you a ****** I was kinda right  best of luck in the future 
  12. I never cared I assumed all females are men, I just treated you like would any player. This isn't my original KaW account BTW just a newer account I made.
  13. Anyone who pretends to be a chick and keeps pretending is a straight up Weirdo to the max!
  14. The only thing I've taken away from this thread is marauder is a chick and deano is so interested in ******'s he can tell when one technically is one?
  15. No beer. It's people like you that try so hard to curry favour with "women" in kaw, when there are clearly are no women, who are the real weirdos.
  16. What about that night in Vegas we shared 0.0 herpes doesn't stay in Vegas you ass.

    On that note I will post as much stuff as I can before that post gets me banned.
  17. Haha no sir ur the real weirdo. And u even admitted to having convos on third party app still pretending to be A chick. U sick twisted human being. Lol