As if I wasn't already tired enough. I'll be back for his funeral after a nap. However this is the first time I've ever agreed with ladyboss/RP...Alison has finally snapped.
Alison,that post had nothing to do with you,now your zeroing me lol,I have nothing against you I think alisons awesome and this thread is pointless but that one SS made me crack up
The truth is. I don't care about stripping or burning pots or winning or losing. I'm done with KaW. Has nothing for me anymore. I've played it to death and experienced most all aspects this has to offer. Condawg is correct. I have snapped. All Im interested in is logging on when I think of it, which is far too often, and using whatever troops i have or don't have to farm whoever chooses to be rude to me. I don't care who or what family or clan. Midnight is telling lies that I hit him first. Makes no difference. Just like I told his friend in the ss I posted. Hit me. I dare you. I really do. Say what you like. You won't see me so much on forum. You can see the eb history. Ask my clan. I barely participate and I don't use cc. All is left is the farm Until my time is done and I delete the app. So to end this debate. I call midnight slayer the grand winner of his 1 v 1 with me! Congratulations op! You win. But I'm still going to fill your news over and over and over. Too bad for you. Anyone who doubts. Just be rude and we see.