Alison farming? A joke??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MidnightSlayer123, Apr 26, 2013.

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  1. Slayer you want the rest of your puny accounts pinned too?
  2. When will you people learn? You can "fight" Alison all day long. She is not going away.

    Ask KOTFE.

    They had her pinned for months, and she is still here. Every month, some other player makes a thread for her.

    She's so spoiled. :lol:

    Buckle up, OP. she hasn't even started xtalling yet. Just wait till payday.
  3. @OP, why not request a lock? Ran its (awful) course, got derailed.

    If there was a 'Worst Of' forum, this thread could die happy.
  4. My head hurts now . ..thanks
  5. She never goes away I mean never
  6. If she is attacking you why would she want you pinned? Maybe she using the assas to weaken you. I haven't looked at your stats but I could imagine its an attack build. I may be wrong :p
  7. You are wrong :p ;)
    OP is a hansel...
    Alison probs burning SDP for a strip
  8. She's burning his pots and only 1v1 that's lame I participated in osw while messing with her
  9. This reads butthurt all over it
  10. Haha rez, To true 
  11. I'm more focused on the fact that Alison gave her TZ away on page 2 
  12. You can change tz 
  13. Yeah lol
  14. get farmed LOL you should kno #1 of the omets!

    Gj omet or past omet...whoever that SS was of, MS, nice one,Idc what you guys think about him I love him lol
  15. Rebel you annoy megrow some please
  16. I'm saving in gold bars
  17. Bronze........bronze bars...
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