Alison farming? A joke??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MidnightSlayer123, Apr 26, 2013.

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  1. True but I'm not sure about u but I don't have time to check grammar stuff
  2. My use of the term "yer" is not a spelling error. You don't need to correct that.
  3. @Roseking-Don't be a grammar nazi if you're gonna mispell words doing so.
  4. It also doesn't take an hour to quickly look over a paragraph and correct any mistakes seen.
  5. I have not made any errors.
  6. Rose, no one cares. GTFo
  7. Ya you have. Stop being an idiot.
  8. What mistake(s) have I made? "Yer" is not a mistake. I did that on purpose.
  9. Shut up this ain't a grammar thread it's a Alison's a fail thread
  10. Your first post you wrote OPs. It should be OP's. Yer is not a work, even if you wrote it on purpose.

    But hey, who cares? Your being that idiot that turns threads into spelling competitions, and you just look stupid doing so.
  11. Now YOU turn into a grammar Nazi while still making yer own errors. Haha. Moron.
  12. Well that was a good read


    Derailed thread or what 
  13. Ikr jazzie n it's pissing me off this is about Alison constantly being on her period n always grumpy not grammar
  15. I don't comment much on forums , I'm a lurker and like to readthe gossip of kaw once a dayNever met you or Alison I wish you both luck in your 1v1 let's get this thread back on track so I can continue enjoying my daily read
  16. Oh yea really bearing me wen I'm making profit off her. GO ALISON 
  17. @midnightslayer123 yes GO ALISON!!!!
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