Alison farming? A joke??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MidnightSlayer123, Apr 26, 2013.

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  1. I like u too redhot :) no hard feelings lol
  2. TnT, no one told OP to make such a thread. He's asking for the attention he's getting, but I do understand how ppl feel they can hit him since OP can't hit all back.
  3. Anybody else feel the need to jump in on this 1v1 and you might as well hit me instead, because I'll for sure be hitting you.
  4. Lol I do like attention n I'm hoping someone will strip me :D
  5. Ull make more if ya strip me n them hit ;)
  6. @Booty- Alison makes a thread everytime gets in a tiff but people don't start unloading on her for it. Chumps.
  7. That's because they know they will get wrecked if they hit Alison and lose precious time on their EBs. They don't want a real fight they just want people to think they are real fighters.
  8. @TnT...Good point.
  9. @Revenge- True fact. They end up being the same noobs you see crying on walls when somebody hits back lol.
  10. What if we don't want to hit either?
  11. I want a count of xstals Alison has used bc 90 hits a unload isn't a normal spy count Is it?
  12. If ur gonna call me a noob(I've played longer than most of u),loser,gay, or other names, get in line or hit me
  13. This is one of her other "farms": Ometotchllissc look at his wall for a laugh
  14. Here we go I've played longer than you. So that means your a noob cause I played kaw the longest and didn't you just say don't hit you so you could do the 1v1?
  15. Ur right I don't consider 1hit an means ur in line. I should be more clear, don't start **** while I'm in a 1v1
  16. Gotta agree with TNT, these noob war threads are getting old. No wonder certain clans say to avoid forums.
  17. One of OPs posts on page 7, out of all of his horrific spelling errors, he chooses to correct "them" into "then"? Would have made MORE sense to proofread the whole post before submitting it.
  18. Hey I ain't a spelling major n honestly dont give a crap if I spell right or not. Go grammar nazi someone else
  19. It doesn't take a degree in English to decide to correct all mistakes you see in yer own post rather than just one.
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