-Alison- hit first I saw the ss then she acted like a child when I tried to find out what was going on end of story she deserves whatever she gets
Ill admit guys. I'm using pots, I have enough to last me quite a looong time thou. So her size is not an issue
Lol thread full of ass kissing noobs. Alison makes one everytime she hits somebody and people love it. OP posts about hitting alison and people hit him for it. Chumps, looks good hitting somebody already in a 1v1 doesnt it?
Don't you love it when people have to use smilies to make themselves not seem upset? The smilies always come out after one is called out or made to look like a loser. c: I just find that interesting.
Right on OP smack her around, and know anyone else hitting you is doing it because their afraid to start their own fight.
I love osw.. I've been farmed by bigger ppl I NEVER Lose if anything we cf n I keep going. Tho all u out side hitters come on let me do my 1v1 ill fight u afterwards.