Now, SA, bending the laws of physics isn't what I was getting at, but yes, somehow that would be possible. Also, person above this, infinite probability ensures every possible outcome will always happen. Infinite is the key word.
A mathematician once said it is impossible for humans to draw a geometrically PERFECT circle.. He was proven wrong
You said infinite chances. What I'm saying, is even with infinite chances, you may not have the certain outcome. Sure, there may be a 99.999999999999999999999999999% chance, but there's still that tiny other possibility.
SA, as I said, warping natural laws isn't an outcome I was getting at but there may be a machine that can do such a thing, in a universe of infinite and unlimited outcomes.
No, the outcomes are the result of actions that can be repeated an infinite amount of time, ensuring an infinite amount of different outcomes.
They are way other planets in our galaxy that must have life and we are considered aliens to other life forms so yes we aren't alone in the universe
Say I was estimating how many touchdowns Tom Brady will throw in a game. There are several possibilities(1,2,3..) But can I say he will absolutely throw 10 touchdowns in atleast one game?
SA, I have no idea who Tom Brady is or how that game your talking about works... Another example please?
Must resist.... Ok, Say I was to predict how many licks it takes to get to the center of a lolipop. There are infinite possibilities. But I can't say for sure that it will take 400 licks.
IMO these aren't the best examples because nothing can compare to the numbers you talk about when talking about space. There are ways you could say for sure it will take 400 licks.