There are definitely extra terrestrials, it would be physically impossible for there not to be and ludicrous to think that they do not exist. The universe is infinite, and therefore there are infinite chances for worlds to form and life to evolve.
Unfortunately, SA, there aren't any pictures if aliens. There are neither any pictures of gas, atoms, particles, etc. So how do we know they exist? By using logic and science.
Yes, it is very close minded, and, frankly, stupid to believe that we are on the only planet inhabited by multi-cellular beings. Now, the probe up your ass alien probably doesn't exist, but other life forms must exist. On a side note, area 51 is just a scapegoat. If the government had aliens captured or whatever is supposed to be there, trust me, we wouldn't know about it. And whoever did, wouldn't live for very long. (I like sounding smart)
Like I said earlier does it really matter? We should focus on learning everything about our own planet
I don't care how many chances you have, There's an infinite chance you arent a noob, and look how that panned out
There are very good chances that there is extraterrestrial life. However, you better watch what you wish for because they would likely kick our asses and enslave a lot of humans.
I'm not arguing that their is a good chance, but you can not say beyond one shadow of a doubt that there are aliens. Why? You have probabilities, not proof.
I agree. As I've said in all my posts, I am nearly certain. I have not said I'm 100% sure or anything like that, because no one can be in this day and age.
SA, listen: infinite, I repeat, INFINITE chances, which means ALL OUT COMES no matter how odd or ridiculous will all definitely occur.
Not definitely. The more chances the more likely the outcome, but you could still have infinite chances yet not have the outcome (extraterrestrial life).