I will answer this like I answer all questions- using dubstep BWAH WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB BWUBUBUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUBBBB WWWWUB WUB WUB WUB
Hey folks, The God talk for disease is evil humors which refered to in leviticus chapter 5 v 2 and 3 as guilty. You need to get into their culture!
Their ways of talking, and thinking Such as blaming illness on a sin verses a sinful act that causes transmission of a disease. They thought to cure a illness all you had to do was repent. Now we no we can help treat illness with meds
To breathe, eat, sleep, reproduce and pretty much keep the human race going. Isn't that the point of all our lives? But that's a topic for a different time
Thank you greatly for your advice... In regards to patient 0 OP, a flight attendant travelling the world and being described as the first person to noticeably have the disease does not lead back to apes/monkeys. However, if you have further information to quote that would be useful to counteract the bible extracts you have used if you wish to be non-biased
true but the closes thing to the hiv virus is a relative called siv which is in monkeys though the closes relative is one that comes from a recently extinct chimp line!
No the big number is from monkeys. The 1 in 1000 is from another human which close to the sod chance of dropping