aids and ancient Egypt

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by verong3, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Have you seen the movie exodus God and kings. You wonder why the cremation were going day and night and why the child (God) said he was to slow and said watch?
  2. It's also passed through mucous membranes, which is why it can be passed by breast feeding.
  3. Is this thread a joke 

    Bruh take ya meds

  4. We arent evolved from the modern day monkeys so no
  5. Op...

    A religion thread...really...

    God did not destroy ancient Egypt lol, one thing God isn't real...well your God isn't real..because I AM GOD OP I AM GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But on another note, when I was younger, I went to a Catholic Church, met a priest and to cut a long story short...i molested yeah, good times lol
  6. Is this thread for real?

    Which God btw?
  7. Nasty XD
  8. I was being sarcastic regardless.. lol
  9. I'm not entirely sure the op is being serious if you are you've got some learning to be doing
  10. Eagle please lock.
  11. A little explaining
    In those to verses it shows unclean animals like chimps are spreading a hidden illness this means like hiv/aids it takes lots of time to visualize in animal in the verse3 it says its transmitted between men with same hidden illness that takes time to show. Ok now goto numbers chapter 14 verse 33 this describes a aids like deathn so could it be aids type virus that killed thousands of moses people in the wilderness?
  12. I heard winnie the pooh stories were about all sorts of diseases. Pooh having an eating disorder, eor having depression, I thought that was a load of balls too. Of course it was from my 12yr old daughter, whats your excuse op?
  13. Just comparing a centries old ilness to a modern illness. Why is soddamy ban but not oral? Could i be barking up the tree of why? Could these illnesses be same family past to now?
  14. till now no-one died from aids
  15. True but in both cases they shrivel up (wasted carcase)and die from a coinfection
  16. Honestly, none of this makes sense. God "punished" egypt (Notice the punished, not destroyed. The destroyed is coming eventually for the world but i digress) because they enslaved the jews, and they were immoral, unclean people. As I recall, he did this to the world with the flood, as well as to some city that Lot or Job was in. I forget exactly.
    It is extremely possible that AIDS existed in Egypt. It wouldn't surprise me. They were about as depraved as society today, so it might have been.
    But You are creating something out of nothing. None of those verse prove your point. I can find verses that directly say what they mean, instead of reading between the line that don't exist.
    So, your idea has some wight, but what you prove it with makes no sense.
  17. List of questions to consider.
    1. Why did God want the hebrews out of Egypt all of a sudden?
    2. Why tell the priest to teach against deaths that occur due to a unknown hidden uncleaness?
    3. Why mention man catching from another man same hidden uncleaness.
    4. What was end result of this hidden illness.
    5. Why did he send out into wilderness all believed what we call now infected?
    6. Look at similariety between the end result and aids.
  18. He ate Egypt cuz of black ponies
  19. Such logic