again I ask.....

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zyzz, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Did it occur to anyone it's because clans get greedy and either stack or aim at noob rosters? problem might be much closer than it appears. :)
  2. well after they took out bfa they realized they just killed thier cash cow on ee as everyone was getting as much as they could (figured at 1 time ghost legion was spending $400 a day, and went to almost nothing after primals introduced)

    So they focused on the do hte and get equipment plan. Now that is a well oiled machine, i expect something new that will spin the money making wheels churning to ee again.
  3. The most entertaining part is the assumption that seasonal wars are over. The lack of patience is tremendous. Asking about an all star war when traditionally they happen on the anniversary of kaw. At least they made a note to you about season 5 in the last event. In a game that takes forever to grow, the give-it-to-me-now attitude is amazing.
  4. Does it really matter? There making Event Perm Items stronger than Season Equipment. Which means they are favoring the EB Fairies
  5. Asking for something that's months behind schedule isn't a give it to me now attitude. Go lick some more boots.
  6. [​IMG]

    There is going to be a Season 5.
    We'll have an update soon.
  7. There ya go. ASW would be great too. They were fun.
  8. A)Soon = tomorrow?
    B)Soon = in a week?
    C)Soon = event first then s5?
    D)Soon = not really soon?

    Circle the correct answer

  9. You dont get it...seadon wars arent over because devs arent doing them...its because intetest in ee wars is little or none. Havent you noticed every season 5 thread is by 1 clan?...nobody , nobody is doing primal/round wars . Indi wars are a joke because of moles. The war system has been broken for 3 years snd the devs have done nothing to fix anything. So yes season wars, ee wars whatever you want to call them are over and dead.
  10. Thank you very much kaw _ admin I really appreciate the response and appreciate your efforts for making a season 5 for us to compete in.

  11. Tool
  12. Nah. Participation is down because people want to war effectively with their chosen build. this is why indi has a higher match rate than primal or round. frustration over stacked rosters is what drives them away. Moles/inactives are everywhere not just indi.
  13. The frustration over stacked rosters is ridiculous. Rosters will always be more of one type of build and of course it will be dominantly the type of build that is the most effective or suits the wc strategies the best. To complain about people making good rosters that work and for using good people who are serious about ee and who listen to and respect their war commander is a joke. Why can't people just accept when they lose and try to fix what their clan did wrong. Instead they focus on what the other clan did right and needing to call it an exploit?
  14. Of course. What I mean is people want to be on equal footing in terms of plunder generation. Its no good when you make a few thousand on someone when they are making tens of millions on you lol.
  15. As i war ps/hansel most often I am merely playing devils advocate. Had b2b primal NM today :(
  16. Stop with the season 5 threads its pathetic.
  17. While I think there are some people who complain that every roster they lose to MUST be a stacked roster -- I do believe there are legitimate complaints against certain types of stacked rosters.

    LB/SH stack for instance. Or the leaderboard SH roster which competes against a normal build roster with mundane BFA. In both of those cases, people who have spent years and often lots of money look to match a clan of "pedestrian" builds and then crush them with BFA in Round wars. I do think those rosters are exploits. But my opinion is not necessarily your opinion.

    Those instances aside, I tend to agree with Sylver that instead of complaining every time you lose, try looking at your strategy and execution and develop better tactics. I have won many EE wars and I have lost many EE wars as a WC/Tracker/participant. I have had some pretty interesting strategy discussions with enemy War Commanders who just beat me. Each time I try to learn something from the situation.

    If you haven't tried an EE war, you are missing out on the best part of KaW, IMHO. If you have and you've been beaten, welcome to the club. Keep trying to develop what works best for you and your clan.
  18. Seeing as the same 5 people post for season 5 every day i really dont think that many people are clamoring for it. It will go over like a wet fart.
  19. There is lots or of interest in war. Many clans just don't war as a family. Look at weekend indi. Hundreds sign up. (Yes moles and statless and inactives too) But at least they are SIGNING UP. Bring back clan loyalty and incentives to war together. Slowly but surely the matches will come.
  20. They tried that, when you would leave your clan you'd lose a level of estoc back pre season 1, and everyone lost their minds, so it doesn't matter what's done.. People will always moan and complain and wish things were the other way, until they are, and then they want them to go back to how they were.. Clan loyalty died out around the same time as PWs.. And even before PWs ended, clan loyalty was already on the way out..

    Not for all, but for the vast majority at least