Sorry haven't read thread in awhile but thx for the correct numbers between seasons. I am at a loss at the moment on what to say. The release of new ug have also increased nm and lowered participation further, both because ppl quit or are chasing stats. I guess I'll "wait and see."
Maybe in Capital letters at The end might Help silV . S5 is very late at this point, better call it S6
Honestly these new upgrades have screwed up matches I think devs will need some time to figure this out
The devs gave reference to their being a S5 but it would look different and they were working on it still. Was that just to silence warriors? Primals have suffered due to the release of these new upgrades. Fewer clan are making rosters as nobody wants to bank over 1T while trying to upgrade. This is ridiculous. Whatever the devs are proposing for S5 it had better be good!
Looks diff cause only lb will be left in the game. They are just stringing you along for more money. A new event will be soon
support !!! the next war event be like the devs really want that is the next war event will fill devs pocket !! and for that lol they need some time to think .
Not sure I wanna war anymore. My build is already outdated in ee and it's been one week only. Especially seeing how rosters are now seemingly huge hansel stacked even more, I'd be plunder leaking too hard. Spent too much on a dead game chasing Hflc and abyssLC to chase this too.
No incentive to war. Primal /round are garbage exoloit clans if anyone even wars and indi you have moles leaking for their mains clan....and the devs havent done anything about it for what 3 years now? point ee wars are dead and wont recover.
Personally speaking It would have been better to do s5 and release upgrades after season ended Off season is supposed to help devs with tweeting wars but releasing upgrades so late after s4 ended can only delay s5 start.
I'm Tr1 and I support SylverDragon in this matter and as a big spender top 100 world leader I demand that devs respond to quoted request! Someone wrote I was the only one asking for T7L4/5... Lets Try the magic again.. LOL