I do understand and saw all the back lash over delayed start dates, and most was from same people repeatedly. Hopefully that won't still get us all kept in the dark. We will be good boys amd girls we promise.
Ruthless plz leave thread your actions only prove aj earlier statement. Aj is being as helpful as he can be and you are attacking him and other responders.
Noobs who have never warred questioning people who war frequently why did they say something. I don't go on fairy threads and question what they say. They don't know what they're talking about and neither do you noobJ
Shouldn't attack them for trying to answer in best way they know how though. Also ee isn't for vets only new warriors are welcome and I would encourage. We are a dying breed currently.
Thank you ruthless but I do my sticking on the battlefield, I'll be sure to show you if I ever see you.
Watch out syl, he's gonna hit you.........oh wait, he only likes to hit people smaller than him :lol:
I want a new war system I hope devs scrap ee and think of something which involves warring for longer than an hour.
I'd like shorter and longer wars. I'd like initial start 5 minutes wars. Goal is to get as much plunder as you can. And I'd line wars that focus on kos instead of plunder. Stuff like that. And I'll make you a proper thread if S5 isn't here by the end of the month