B, I have an Important build Question So basically I started converting to CoE's (I had Subs). I quickly noticed that I got huge stats, but my troop turnout sucked. I want to have a large amount of troops. I went from 40k to 35k. My question is what is a good build for troops. ?
You don't need a large amount of troops as the troop count isn't important. It is the relationship between how many troops you use per hit to your total that matters. And builds are relative to how you play; Attack Based Buildings: No Meaningful Bonus except the Attack Stats. Equip Based Buildings: +2 Hits Per Unload Defence Based Buildings: +5% Plunder Per Hit. Hope this helps. Don't forget to include Spy Buildings And Spy Towers.
Why is everyone's ass getting so chapped. I'm not critiquing someone helping, I'm critiquing why all these randoms are now posting on forums trying to help. If you make a strategy thread or beginner guide and tell people go look then they feedback your name and Devs get all happy. Think of a grocery store, customer always asks 1 employee where stuff is. They always give them the item spot to the tee, if they don't know they go look with them. The employee takes the initiative to go beyond their normal tasks. The customer is happy and will usually feedback to the Store Manager or Corporate telling you of this person. Most of the time the employee receives nothing but congratulations or a piece of paper for outstanding customer service. Yes it's their "job" but there's no true reward. This VK achievement is bringing people out of the wood works. It's just funny to think there's ALL these people that truly want to "help".
Sure whatever. It just annoys me why people take anyone who helps as a try hard wanting the VK Achievment.
It does encourage suspicion with regards to their motivation. I don't the VK very much for exactly that reason.
If you all remember me and a few others created the Mentor idea BEFORE VK was shown to the public! A few people on this game just actually like to help... I have been helping the community for around; - 2.5 to 3 years via personal training, - 1.5+ years in third party game rooms, - and now a few months on forums. Stop thinking so selfishly and understand people get enjoyment by sharing their knowledge. Knowledge is power on this game. Yes, I'm new to forums. Yes, I'm here to help people. No, I do not intend to get the VK achievement. Helping the community isn't about having a name with stars around it, its about getting off your ass and being proactive. All my threads are copied and pasted from personal notes - Yes, I spent time adding some fancy BB code and additional writing for those who don't understand my terminology and need extra notes. Enjoy hating those who are helping - Shows the mentality of some people.