Advanced Security Measures of Jewish Schools in UK

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by catschrodinger, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Couldn't be possible because people always want to find things in the supernatural. It could be better or worse, you can't know forsure. Just like you can't know if God exists
  2. Hatred and animosity. It's because people refuse to accept others points of view and that they could be wrong. So it's easier to smash, beat, scream than listen and accept. It's sad when people can't listen to others ideas and thoughts without getting aggressive, mean, or bigoted about it. Religion should've grown above this. I know many that have learned from it.
  3. That does not explain what religion has done either good or bad. It is contentious issue that is a philosophical argument. Freedom of thought is good but idk how beliefs should dictate daily life. The supernatural is a word ppl used when no explanation was at hand. The world was once flat with using that same thinking.
  4. You can't explain if the lack of religion would result in good or bad acts. Good and bad have been done in the name of relgions.
  5. I respect the right of people to believe whatever they want. I don't have to respect their beliefs.

    People like Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Warren Jeffs were bat crap crazy. They got away with the stuff they did for as long as they did because few people stood up and said "Hey, these guys are bat crap crazy." Few people called these deluded idiots what they really were. Deluded idiots. Because we had to respect their religious beliefs. It's not our place to judge. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. It's our place to judge everything. If not us, then who?

    We make judgements every day. This restaurant looks dirty. I'm not going to eat there. This guy sounds like he doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm not investing my money with him. This politician seems stupid. I'm not voting for him. We can't function without making judgements and acting on them. Why then when it comes to religion are we supposed suspend our ability to use facts and reason to make judgements and act on them? I don't have to be rude about it, and I'm usually not. I'm as polite to people as they are to me. But I don't have to respect the beliefs of someone I think is full of it either just because that's what they believe. And I don't.

    This isn't to say all religious beliefs are wrong or ignorant. I can't prove or disprove the validity of any religion. But then neither can they. And when someone tells me that woman shouldn't be allowed to vote, or drive a car, that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry, that it's ok to kill or enslave this group because they're not part of our group, or any of the many things people say because of their beliefs, I refuse to censor myself to accommodate their ignorance.

    It's way past time we stopped automatically respecting beliefs simply because they're religious.
  6. Still looking for a comment on what if NO religion existed n how life on Earth would be for everyone.
  7. You can't explain it, but cool story
  8. People will always find their God. No matter what we do. Some call their God Science. It's the newest God. Horrible and unspeakable things are don't in that name. But also axing and wonderful things. Thus is the crux of humanity. Free will and choice. These people would do these things if not in the name of their God, then for another reason. Science is becoming just as bloody as any other. To answer the question then, no better. Likely the same.

    Here's another question/thought. Would your kids and kids kids be better in a world without religion? Because we grow and change for a future most of us won't see.
  9. For me jury is out if Gods actually exist.
    That said many religions r oppressive.
    Eg like Op above said human rights r compromised n all ppl should be equals n not divided by gender race etc. If that does not hold water due to religious beliefs then i say religion is a problem for us all if peace n harmony is not going to happen.
  10. Religion doesn't create good or bad people, or acts, it is used as an excuse by good or bad people to do what they want to do or what they believe is right. With no religion, there would just be other reasons for the same thing.

    I don't like religion, any of them, I have always thought the world would be better if people believed in themselves instead of an unprovable entity.

    Saying that, if people lack the confidence to believe in themselves or they feel they need guidance, that's fine by me.

    We shouldn't be confusing the minorities of religious groups with the whole, the vast majority of all religions are lovely, friendly peaceful people.
  11. What do religious orders do to criminals within their circle n the justice served upon them to protect the victims?
    Eg: Al Capone in confession was not tried for his crimes sighting confidentiality of the confession. That means religion is above the law i guess. So a priest in a confessional is judge n jury therefore religion acts above the law if a nation. How many unreported crimes r there committed without persecution I ask? Is the accused a citizen of a nation under its laws or under religious penance? If religion then not a citizen of a nation with physical borders n should be deported if unabiding its laws n go where religion supersedes law.
    Aiding n Abetting criminals is against the law.
    Contradicting laws renders laws to a back seat.
  12. "and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the Music." - Friedrich Nietzsche.

    Religion has formed society, governed Society. Much of mankind's progress was financed by the Church. Religion does harm only buy corrupting it's intent.

    The four assigned Thiest has one the Athiest that needs no prayer to guide them.

    The rest of us need a focus to guide us.

    There is no debate just understanding.
  13. I'm only posing a view of cause n effects of choices. Ppl living under different sets of laws n beliefs will continue to have differences. It puts ppl at odds n creates fallout. If religion govern ppls beliefs what need of government then?
    Accountability is found wanting. Denouncing a criminal act is civil n our obligation to society. Both Govt n Religion must state their decision on what n why they side on what involves them n be transparent. Both have proven historically thats not the case n wield the power they have to their own benefits.

    The persecution and/or chasing of anyone whether religious beliefs or if fanatics for the purpose of harm is basically unacceptable. Victims of ideology has been around for many centuries n is abhorrent to this very day.
    Tolerance n respect is the root n so far no one in history can address it n resolve it.

    Utopian Dream: the day anyone n everyone looks at another person n sees an equal. Race colour creed gender religion etc aside is the day we will be the most intelligent animal on the planet.
    True wisdom is lots to expect n we have a long ways to go at least we can make progress.
  14. Off topic. Please leave my thread.
  15. Nonetheless, we DO have a long way to go towards that dream, and I think it will take beyond our lifetimes to achieve it.

    It's really a shame that these criminals are causing chaos due to what they believe in, religion should be used as something to bond the entire world into one giant family, but that will probably take longer than the previously stated Utopian dream.
  16. Bumping for anyone who hasn't seen this yet.
  17. Time for Jews of Europe and UK to arm themselves.
  18. Religions don't promote violence or peace. They are just religions and, like any other religion in the world, they depend on what people bring to it.

    If you are a violent person, your Christianity, your Buddhism, your Judaism, your Islam is going to be violent. Yes, Christians killed people decades ago, some Buddhist monks are slaughtering women and children. Does Christianity or Islam or Buddhism promotes violence? Of course not. People are violent or peaceful and that depends on their community, their environment, their politics, their social world, the way they see themselves.
  19. Right now there are cristian terrorist groups in africa, but its africa so who cares