[/quote] One word to get rid of all of them "nuke" and no problems[/quote] Brilliant more indiscrimate bombing like Hiroshima n Nagasaki. How about form up the Redneck Militia n they take their arsenal over to the Middle East n hunt n ferret out the terrorists. Put those weapons for self defence onto the offensive. The world always needed more fanatics using force.
I can't even believe how offensive and ridiculous this is. No words. This is a foolish idea, clearly written by a foolish individual. This is an extremely misinterpreted quote in the Quran, and is often one that would be used by idiots like you to try and portray Islam in a bad light. Jîzyah is a tax to be payed by non-Muslims in ISLAMIC STATES which the United Kingdoms (referring to this article specifically) IS NOT. I also question you to find any passage in the Quran that orders Muslims to kill other religions.
Terra how do you interpret This -> Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah" because I would love to hear it
No. If you're going to state something, at least be on the right path. Christians believe in a God that wants all the attention, Jew believe in a God that wants certain things to be done, Muslims (radicals) believe in a God that wants infidels murdered.
Start with does every god exist or none? R ppl the pawns of religion n fight so called gods wars? Or fanatics n corruption from centuries ago still waging war stirring up hatreds? Countries n borders change but the same ppl still waging wars for centuries old reasons? Peace n harmony r only ideals but reality says otherwise.
Exodus 32:15 "For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death. So does this mean Christians all go around and slaughter people who work/don't go to church on Sunday? NO. Just like Muslims do not go around killing those who do not worship Allah. I can't believe someone would say we should nuke anyone. I guess we have to nuke all the Christians too!
ISIS members are Muslim but are all Muslims ISIS members? NO. Are all Christians members of the Ku Klux Klan or Nazi Party? NO. Edit: sorry the devs ridiculous filter prevents me from naming historical groups and getting my point across. If they filter the two words I was trying to say why isn't ISIS filtered?
Old Testament or New Testament, who cares. Since its in the bible it must mean that Christians should kill those who do not honor the sabbath! Just like Muslims should kill those who do not praise Allah! religions are full of offensive and violent crap. Get over it. Times change, the scriptures don't. They are open to interpretation, but sometimes they are interpreted poorly. Doesn't mean that we should go nuke the Middle East because of Isis. This will be my last post. Religion isn't worth debating. Also I find Hulk extremely offensive, racist, and foolish, therefore not worthy of my presence.
Religion is what exactly? Hearsay? Heaven n hell witches n alchemists. Propaganda that suits the times. Pile of Spin Doctors i say. Ppl die over so called Gods.... Imagine a world devoid of religion IMO biggest step humankind can ever make
Sometimes philosopher never into theology Religion kills n thinking rarely does Lets say we populate Mars or any planet for whatever reason. Would Mars be a religion free planet? What useful purpose does it supply? Consider all the earthly problems left behind n the start of a new culture without all our crap. Leave our garbage behind or bring it along? How many would sign up for a religion free zone to colonize? Those that do not can colonize Mars II lol