Re: Advanced Guide to Espionage This is really good one thing about quests: If you want to get on the LB it may not be a good idea to only do quests. Also, when you first start questing you won't get much gold but once you get more soilders and better build then you will get more gold when questing. So be patient. But it's a really good guide blumpy!
Re: Advanced Guide to Espionage Looks pretty solid. Although, to my knowledge, using spy pots dosen't lower your spy troop losses. I'll have to check it out though.
Re: Advanced Guide to Espionage Good guide, but what to do now, nearly everyone is to weak because of some changes now. Is a spy build still playable?
Re: Advanced Guide to Espionage It is hardly playable now. One of the only ways of quickly getting to a full spy build is completing land with full attack build and them going to full spy. However, emeth's build is still viable due to the "too weak" exploit and the insane plunder bonus.
Re: Advanced Guide to Espionage Note Lowjack - using spy pots does helps to reduce troops losses. It's all relative in strength. Exception is the strength difference is great , beyond a certain benchmark , at which case there will always be a minimal troops losses, with / without pots.
Re: Advanced Guide to Espionage Dunno why no one has corrected you blumpy, emeth glitch on exploiting too weak doesn't work. Soon after that was revealed ally strengths started to count in payout size and too weak errors.
Re: Advanced Guide to Espionage You can still run 1 troop building with gobs of allies, but it's still calculated into your overall strength. when xyz owned everyone nearly he had 1 troop and spy up lvl 1 t 1 and couldn't be beaten ... how he came down I'll let him tell you
Re: Advanced Guide to Espionage Corinthian, you're misunderstanding me, bro. When you are under 20% troops, you are considered "too weak" to attacks. Basically, you can just put up one weak troop building and keep under 20%. It makes you invulnerable to attacks. That is what players call the "too weak" exploit.