Admin Chat

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Fragle, May 13, 2014.

  1. Slippy, of course you think its outdated. Buy some allies worth anything and that are at least active and you wont think so.

    Your most expensive ally is barely over 15b, and ALL your allies are pure MP allies.
  2. No support

    This is stupid. Get allies that are active and you'll see how useful ac can be.

    Also if you want someplace to talk with your allies be like every other clan and get pal and make a pal group for admins only. It's easier than you think.
  3. I support admin chat a third party is lame if your playing KAW why support another app to play it it has its own chat features why not use them. To settle this just add another chat window :lol:
  4. No support to removing ally chat 

    Get a third party app 
  5. ...or you can buy all your admins 