Addressing the blatantly obvious separation within KaW

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. the accuracy is unreal 
  2. You sound butthurt, show us where the big bad lb guy farmed you  just because some people can afford free time and to spend on kaw doesn't mean anything
  3. It's up to them to help if you want to make it on the lb then spend some money or play how can you complain on how people spend their money that is just stupid. If people want to waste money like that on a game that's their decision crying on forums won't change anything.
  4. i agree pay players should have a choice but again, giving them freewill lead to this separation... What I'm not trying to say is to take away their free will. I'm suggesting inserting a benefit to helping newbies and/or elsewhere with in the KaWmunity, which should incentivise lbers to begin participating more.

    (Please read through my earlier posts with sholron as we've discussed this in length)

    YES I AM COMPLAINING but I made fun of myself and everyone who rants soo, pretty sure I got myself already.

    They pay therefore they can do whatever they want, true but my point still stands.

    There is a separation and right now, this is where we are.
  5. Their too busy getting richer to talk and socialize. But most of them do talk in ally chat, just not wc or whatever.
  6. The days of LBers helping smaller players died when they killed FC n forced players who wanted to stay together come to KaW. They don't want to help others after being screwed over when FC was shut down