Ok, how about this... I personally consider KaW as a sorta social app, and follow random people occasionally, sometimes they follow back, sometimes they don't... This is to mainly get to know more people, and I belive it expands on the 'social aspect' of KaW... My point was, why can't we just make a thread, where anyone and everyone willing to converse with other players posts with a short introduction This will of course include LB players if some of them wish, but I believe that this may be the step to finding people who are willing to converse... Thoughts everyone?
Again, make your own thread. "Rights as a consumer" Bruh, no one is trying to buy a washing macine Google's "Rights as a Consumer"... Repair, replace, refund What is this guy talking about? /lol Also you got screwed over by the devs? Pretty sure that was only once and that was when you and several of your clan members openly insulted some muffin guy on wc. You guys even congratulate yourselves on your clan page... Is that really how you want to portray yourselves? Again, little relevance to the thread... MOVING ON
You edited that at first it said Nercafela is a chrome so you must've edited it while I was making my post -_-
Actually it's (banned word apparently,)so it's quite possible his Mother is deceased.... And NO,I didn't say or mean diseased! Really,censored?...hmmm...
Not moving on as this is in fact on topic addressing the gap between players. And you think I'd keep yapping about an isolated incident? We portray ourselves however we wish. You can concern yourself with it if you choose but you just come off sounding like a self righteous, judgmental gash. In game banter has always been around. Deciding to call it harassment against certain players only is favoritism. Showing favoritism to an unpaid volunteer - or ANYONE for that matter - over other users is against the Apple ToU. So yes it does matter and is a contributing factor to this player gap you speak of. Furthermore, Catering to a single demographic in the game is one of the top causes of the gap in the first place. It isn't my fault that you seemingly lack the critical thinking capabilities to connect the dots here. You created a thread to address the player gap. I'm talking about the player gap and its root causes and effects. You're part of the reason forums has become an absolute cesspool. You can't see the connections so therefore I'm off topic and you're going to take your football and go home. I'm sure you'd get support from certain mods because it's me. I've done this same crap using different accounts and it's hilarious how they are judged to different standards. But anyways, yes you do have consumer rights on apps. Again, your ignorance to this fact also doesn't make my argument null or off topic. I suggest before pretending divinity you actually do some research on the topic or you'll seem like even more of a condescending ass with misinformation touting it as truth and attempting to discount an argument based on nothing but an assumption (which is in fact a wrong one). I see you also asked what I was talking about. Is that a legitimate question or yet another failed attempt to marginalize the argument through feigned confusion?
^Took you a couple days to come up with that. Before we begin I want to reference this... Nowhere in it, do you even slightly make connections to this thread's topic. You argue on about favouritism like it's a religion. Talking about how "casuals" get pooped on by the devs and the whales blah blah blah. This negative mindset is what's making you write such depressing drivel. bolded specific points I want to declare incorrect or foolish... There aren't 3 types of players. Throwing someone into a category that fits your mindset, where the devs eviserate them because you are angsty isn't 'right'. Calling someone a whale seems derogatory :/ The Chosen? Heavily favoured? I'm loling right now. They are favoured because they were chosen by the devs And they arent above the tou. Ask Benny, Moose, Chaos and others even former VK's like Willytheduece. Consumer rights laws I swear you enjoy throwing big words around Casual player... No kidding Whales subject to tou but dodge it? In a way that may be true... But this information isn't really all that surprising. Skipped a lot because it's stupid /lol OMG A KAW COURT CASE, wut Comparing your KaW 3 classes argument to Hillary Clinton? Lolwut I can only guess your political standpoint final bold statement... I like that, you even implement your own Us vs Them mentality in your post. It also saves your butt from people who disagree with you by saying they are completely fine with being pooped on... Which we know is not the case. So we thoroughly went through your first argument. Onto the next.
Your thread isn't so important that I need to check it everyday. Nor is my life so boring. Again, nice deflection
Burying your head in the sand... Heh, please refer to previous post. It's been made clear... Has it, really? You make no mention of ANY events that prove that KaW devs are favouring anyone. You have no evidence, you are just preaching and until you give definitive proof... This entire argument is laughable. Next bolded statement... Omg *facebench* ...Judgemental gash HAHAHAAHHAHAAAH, irony. Ingame banter has been around for a longgg time, that I absolutely agree with 100% but the devs don't call "harrassment" WHENEVER they want. They don't hatch evil plots, twist their mpustaches and ban anyone who tries to do this "in-game banter". Honestly how long ago has the latest harrassment call happened? More favouritism poop... Previously discussed Next bold statement Finally a connection even if it loosely connects to anything. In a way it is important but it isnt the top contributor. The devs gave the lbers a choice to buy quick upgrade items... The separation has more to do with the lbers keeping themselves in their clans farming away at their hte/zta to maintain their positions. YOU MADE NO CONNECTION TO MY THE THREAD'S POINT WHATSOEVER and you expect others to do the heavy lifting? omg No, you aren't. ...One the reasons for forum cesspool Lmao, you let this forum cesspool change you. I just went with the flow. skip because nope ...Misinfo touting it as truth Um, lmao. Very definition of irony. Some other poop not worth mentioning... I feel I touched upon ths important points, bbl.
And the last time that I was pmed by kaw about harassment is when I said Jedi is a crappy Mod on WC. Explain to me how that is harassment. Explain to me why other players get called worse and aren't protected to the same extent?
And I highly doubt you can guess my political stance with the Shillary comparison. Unless you are a believer in the two party paradigm and just assume ppl are either for Trump or Her
Well all LB shows is which ppl sit on their ass claim a ton of benefits and smash the lot on this game or they just get their parents to get them some money and are still at home at 30-40 years old getting helped all the time by mummy and daddy