Addressing the blatantly obvious separation within KaW

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Vanessa, how could you betray me like this? :cry:
  2. Actually I was thinking about bringing this next topic up but I got lazy. That's the thing about forums it can be a great place for information and entertainment but there are downsides. A lot of people are quick to troll people or attack people for whatever reason. Somebody can have great information to share but have one typo or be in the wrong clan and the flaming will start. I think if people want to more people to be involved especially the lb I think people need to learn that it doesn't really cost anything to just be a decent person. However it's the internet so there will always be someone with something to say. I know I know mini wall of text.
  3. Rev u r evil. Don't pretend otherwise. 
  4. Lol wythen shhh dont give me up so fast XD
  5. Rev and Krakkerz are my heroes.
  6. Totally agree, its like online businesses forget social ethics because they don't deal with consumers face to face enough, & the same can be said for the members of higher office or management in rl.
    I've spoken with a fair few big lbr's & found them to be pretty helpful in general when i've asked for advice & stuff but yeah i agree the game has been designed with many barriers between elite & casual player co-dependence & shared gameplay imo too.

    Edit: Imagine 500 players storming into ata headquarters & filling up their time with complaints in person every day, a few days like that & i'd imagine it'd start becoming difficult to run a business lol
  7. You're still my BFF Roni ;-)
  8. Guys, please.

    I don't agree with putting people into categories.

    This whole whales, casuals and whatever else.

    Seems like a load of opinionated poop, if you think negatively you're going to be negativity.

    Also has little to no relevance with the thread topic.

    I highly suggest making your own thread as a lot of people agree with your onion though.
  9. I spend too much and work too much to follow people back and have conversations with people that don't really mean anything to me. Rather watch some TV or play another game between unloads/Skims.
  10. Sry kasama, i get what your saying bout labelling ppl, i just thought it relevant as it's a design floor of the game that needs adressing by the devs not the lb's, they can't be expected to do much to help newbs out if they aren't rewarded for their efforts enough.
  11. I loved Bom :(
  12. My alt is rank 3k and is 140m stats. I am rank 350 and i am 540 mill stats plus a little bit of BFA.

    140m stats hansel looks like this

    1/1/70/70 ~ rank 3k

    BC hansel looks like

    1/1/270/270 ~ rank 400-500

    So 2.5k accounts are between 140m stats to 550m stats. While the other 10-15k active kaw accounts are under 140m. Not to mention there are about 500 BC accounts.

    140m hansel is considered small
    300m hansel is considered mid.

    Hope this paints a picture on how little mids there are in kaw. If i had to guess probably 1k-1.5k accounts out of 15k-20k active accounts on KaW.
  13. When there are events for corn cobs or bubble gum or whatever silly thing I have to collect I am often ranked 8000 or below so there way more than 1-1.5k active accounts.

    In addition, I'm unranked on leaderboard.
  14. Kasama to be honest the divide doesn't start from L.B to groundbase players.It is more obvious ammong the general everyday normal players.They form their own wannabe groups and think they run kaw and think they can tell others outside of their " Clique " what to do.To be honest I don't think no L.B need to help anybody.They started where we all are and had to learn the ropes of the game themselves also.And todays new kaw players have been given so much extra bonuses and start ups from kaw devs.They all ready got it made much better than what we used too. There should be no pressure on L.B or anyone to help anyone.if they do - all well and good but it doesn't make them a bad person if they choose not too.Too much fuss is being made trying to scrutinize every little silly detail of kaw.Just go with the flow and play the game as it unfolds . The game is already easy to understand with all the tutorials and in clan advice.No extra help badges are needed as monitors.V.K is all that is needed to cover the " going beyond duty " aid given by special members .
  15. I said there are 10k to 15k active accounts in kaw.
  16. Yeah sure we can ignore the fact that certain groups of players are treated differently by the devs and their moderators and support teams. Burying your head in the sand works really well. This isn't just an opinion it's been made clear time and time again that players are treated differently. If you personally haven't experience unfair treatment or biased standards stacked against you congrats. But it does happen. Most people who are victims aren't even aware that their rights as consumers have been violated. Apple>ATA
    the law>ToU

    Know your rights and the limits of the apes reach and you won't get screwed over by them so hard 

  17. In my experience I found that the lb are people too. Most people in kaw are good people but it is a rpg war game. I personally would not name and shame anyone but usually players that stand out and go against the grain often get stripped lb or not. Perhaps get to know people well enough before making a judgment your enermy is often a friend of a friend.

    All lb players I speak with are very polite and quite normal.
  18. Go away Kawikaaaaaa
  19. Nah. I like it here 