You keep surprising me, Sholron. The mentoring I was referring to was giving them advice, finding them a clan or letting them join your clan (as you mentioned), volleying etc. I agree completely with joining a newbie clan killing your plunder but in that instance although EXTREMELYYYYYYYYY helpful, I don't know if something could be done. In that situation, I think choice is important, they chose HELP instead of gain GOLD. Which is amazing and a reward system should be implemented but nope... That was one of the downsides, exploitation. As of this stage it's still an idea. Lol you called them (newbies) it.
How do we value giving advice, finding them a clan, etc? (In terms of a reward system) is what I'm stumped on atm - for the devs ideally it'd be an algorithm or code that they write once and leave, but I'm not sure that's possible. I'd think the same issue with finding VK's would surface again, you need somebody pointing out people who deserve it. The closest example I think KaW has had to this was referral codes but we all know how that went
You've got me, if this idea would be implemented... Essentially everyone would be vk material. edit:A reward system would provide immediate benefit but long-term penalties. Shol thinks ahead, gg.
We haven't gotten to the fun part, developing a system for rewards that can't be abused. Then once we perfect the idea the devs can swoop in and steal it
Its true, the fact the devs let this behaivor occur from its top tier players disguists me. They should reset all their accounts and make everyone start fresh because reasons
Let's play a game called real life comparisons. There are three types of players here. The casual players (some spend a bit of money while others don't spend at all) the whales (these guys drop thousands a month) and the chosen (mods who for some reason are heavily favored by the devs which is against the consumer rights laws). If you are a casual player you are subject to the ToU unquestioningly and unequivocally. Often even judged more harshly during encounters with Chosen. If you are a whale you are sort of subject to the ToU but not really as the devs will do anything to keep that cash flow intact. If you are a chosen you get to amend the rules and be the middle man who judges those casual players more harshly as you have a direct line to the devs. You can call in game banter against you harassment while doing the same to others without consequence. As a whale you can harass someone and not even be punished for it, in fact the devs will DELETE the evidence and the person being harassed will need to seek legal action to even have the issue resolved. In real life there are the People, the Elite, and the Politicians. Same rules above apply to the order of classes listed. I.E. Hillary getting away with obstruction of justice, falsifying/destroying evidence etc. The people get judged to the full extent of the law while politicians write said laws whilst breaking them. There are two things people do with this information. Ignore it and pretend everything is fine, or fight back within their means. Which are you? Inb4 this is deleted
And if you dared to hire an ally off him he'd run a full bar on you as if he actually owned them. So hard to say he was nice
Honestly I wouldn't class myself as a lb player being around the 400 mark but I do try to keep my presence in the game simply because I love the community even if not everyone is a fan of me. What most big players seem to forget is that they were a small player once and they should remember all the help they received when they were new. In regards to player types I am a casual player and I have always received fair judgement in regards to the ToU. I do honestly think the ToU is a huge area of the game and if they aren't upheld correctly then the rules are no longer rules but merely a decision by those upholding the ToU.
Nonsense,everyone knows they actually kick their canes,knock them down & steal their "pin" money out of their bras for nobs & xtals... But seriously,whilst still being a newbie,I myself have been boughten by numerous lb accounts for some unknown ungodly reason.(#'s 3,5,7,25,41 & 42 most recently.) And on no occasion has my being bought away or bought back resulted in any farming or full bar retaliation. I think this like all things has to be considered on an individual basis not collectively against an entire group of players.
I think it's situational with lb players. I myself am not a well known lb player. I like to consider myself a friendly person. Don't get me wrong I'm very firm when I feel disrespected but for the most part I'm very relaxed as a person. Occasionally when I have the free time and I come to forums I try to be helpful however it has been a hot minute since the last time I have helped. It honestly comes down to the person. I have met lb early on in the game that I had a good run in with them. I have had some I didn't quite care for because of their personality as well. The same can be said for all sizes really. My pm or wall is always open to help anyone if it's within my power to do so. I don't have all the answers but I'm always willing to help giving I'm not busy(college and studying for the LSAT). I get what some people have said in this thread regarding lb. I do believe however all of us as a kawmunity should do the best we can to help each other out. At the end of the day we are all people and we are all in this together well until someone takes a break (nobody quits for good lol). As for the bullying of old people well I don't partake in it myself but nothing is funnier than seeing them fall down lol jk that's just wrong...sorta...*chuckles*
The gap has always existed. It's only been exasperated to the point it has, because the developers constantly stress earning gold through promos and the pve side of the game over war aspect as it formerly was. It's not only redundant, and expensive, but also incredibly boring grind. Whereas other top grossing games in 2016 spoon their customers free stuff daily, whereas kaw doesn't. I can't stress this enough, give people more incentive to play with login rewards etc. also reintroduce the damn referral system and add rewards associated to it, as it was in 2009.
ur evil... i like But you also raise very good points. Thanks for stating your point of view. @Chaos That seemed more like a diss and you went on with other topics and not the idea mentioned in the title or op... I donut understand o.o
@Kasama I wouldn't necessarily say that I am evil. I just like to enjoy the little things in life that make you laugh. Also the little angel on my shoulder tends to take a lot of sick days.
I like this, two idiots who have nothing smart to say. But can't keep their mouths shut. I'll probs make a thread addressing this issue soon too /lol noice clan btw, famine :lol: