Support to this or something like it. Good idea, thanks for sharing. It's stuff like this that will propel the game forward, not just repeating the same. One of the 'problems' with OSW is there is no defined end or winner. This results in OSW lasting months, etc. The fun is had by the owners / admins getting to act all badass, negotiate with the other side & alliance, direct targets & setup strips. Everyone else just follows orders in CA. OSW is always fun the first day, then it becomes repetitive. Unless of course you actually believe that large Hansel in CA you've been constantly keeping zd is an actual player and not some random iPad sitting at home while the owner is at work / school.... lol. There will always be purist OSW players that prefer to hit other players regardless, and to each their own. Knock yourselves out. (But just imagine if there was an OSW equivalent to an EE knockout?) Having something like this that actually provided some data or Intel to the altercation would be interesting and something the entire clan could rally behind. Maybe it's not an activity tracker, maybe it's as simple as listing the clan strength rank on each clan page.... As this rank drops (from war rubbers / strips impacting clan aggregate BFA holdings / lack of growth compared to other clans) the one clan or alliance could claim to have caused this change. Or like my damage build idea, where successful hits erode kingdom strength until 50% and are publicly labeled razed and need to be repaired before additional pvp actions. (My stab at a OSW "knockout") Something to separate the winners from the losers. Maybe bb payouts for the winners to makeup for the lack of eb bonuses? Any type of clan hierarchy upgrade / bank would be great to see. So thanks for sharing your idea OP.
Didn't read all the responses. But the point of OSW is to have a war not based on any type of in game, predetermined system. It has no rules. Hence, Off System War.
I think that it would be cool to have what EE has. Showing how many actions from both clans, the amount of gold made on both sides, and probably show how many strips have been made if possible to show this. All we have to do is declare osw on that clan. It should also have a timer on how long the war has been going on.
So what your asking for is the Osw to turn into a System war? Defeats the purpose of being a Off System War just saying!!