Add OSW button to clan with eb and old type clan war

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by jarheadedjared, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. That's a very good input and very plausible outcome
  2. Plus the good thing about everyone being able to see clan actions could possibly improve osw as everyone would try step up their game so they get most actions and look badass
  3. You keep saying OSW. I don't think "off system war" means what you think it means.
  4. No support. Most osw clans don't care who thinks they are winning. Also, even in osw people leave clan to do ee, visit friends, hit br ebs so a "osw runner" spell would no be plausible.
  5. Instead of using the term "osw", id suggest "revamped system wsr" or something.

    Theres definitely more way than just plunder to use to keep "score".

    An option to remove the time limit and now clan strengths and individual rankings could be accounted for.

    Seems like there could be alot more sophistication to system wars.
  6. I just can't see an actual bonus for the Devs.
  7. Sometimes its just for the sake of having a creative discussion.

    I dont see the devs making any changes to the core features but its still a more interesting topic than a lot of what we see on forums.
  9. Yes. Lets make it easier to track people. Lets make our members going out to do ee look like war runners. Lets waste devs time doing something some pointless.

    Op has clearly nvr been in osw. Dumb ideas
  10. And as far as actions osw isnt really fought in hourly fb anymore. Winners n losers looked at w gold stripped. U can fb an acct w 0 out all u want when ur stripped trillions in one swoop who won.

    U can pin me. Wow ur so cool who really cares. Ill either fight from pin or not gaf. And strip u while in la la land. Again im not convinced op ever been in osw lol
  11. Bro if u read through the comments that side of it has already been discussed. It was just a random idea to throw out there out of sheer bordem and nothing more. And I've been in osw since end of January lol
  12. Bro. I go thru forums bored think i read comments
  13. or ya know.... maybe scout or assassinate your clannie to make sure hes telling the truth if you're worried about it.

    but tbh. you shouldn't be worried about having a member who won't tell the truth on their hits. osw is about having eachothers backs.

    this is just such a stupid idea. no support.
  14. Stop trying to come up with ways to make this a war game. You know that is not consistent with the business model of KAW.
  15. Well it relies on the attack and hire buttons
  16. Supoort...
    Id love to have that
  17. Just go back to lurking noob.
  18. You also forgot the spy button after the hire button.
  19. When contemplating a new feature it's best to start by asking yourself the question how will devs make money off this. If there's no plausible way then it's best to forget it and move onto the next.