AD3D vs Holy Vanguard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bmx4lyph, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. No TNT. You just making excuses. You just backing down. You just afraid to follow through with your words. It's not your fault. You cannot help being a fail noob. 20 nobility to keep some respect and get me to start hitting you is such a small price for your oversized mouth.
  2. Lol my mistake, for a moment i considered you intelligent.

    I said i would change it after my osw.

    You took that as "if i change it right now will you please start hitting me"

    Your just a little girl who cant understand a conversation trying to be to be tough.
    Again, as ive already stated, I wilk change it AFTER(get that) my osw.

    But your welcome to hit anytime :)
  3. This is no longer about osw, TNT and Allison should go on a date. Xoxoxoxo
  4. You should change it now TNT. Why wait? I bet everyone reading this forum would enjoy seeing you do it also. I think you just putting it off so it will go away in time. Do it now. There is no valid reason why you must wait until your war is done. Your war is just a poor excuse, much like you.
  5. To late for that fuzz, were already pming each other dirty things ;)
  6. @ fizz. Does your kingdom have any legs? It's very skinny stats down below.
  7. Wow. You do lie. I would never pm with you TNT. I call you out to show an ss of any pm with you and I.
  8. lol i feel like im arguing with a little girl.

    For sure alison, for sure.

    I'll never be able to match wits with somebody so clever as yourself, so im going to bed to dream about what you look like holding an elven sword
  9. I'll take her out *sheepish grin*
  10. Ur the queen of noobs u would know if we have legs, lol.
  11. Elven sword? Creepy!
  12. yup she told me shes into that kinda stuff.

    I dont judge.
  13. I'm sorry. I don't understand the elven sword thing. Can you explain please fizz. I am uncertain whether you are insulting me or not and would like clarification.
  14. Hahahahhaa what a show. Alison we wouldnt insult you . Just for the record I was inactiv e for about 7 hours with 0 incoming hahaha maybe less talk more attack!!!!!
  15. Ill be over after we kick YMM ass.
  16. Allison read tnt's creepy post about going to bed and dreaming of u with an eleven sword. Page 15. Was not an insult, don't get offended unless u read the full thread and its fuzz not fizz
  17. Interesting choice of words TNT :lol:
  18. Holy vanguard a bunch of eb clowns, and whos this vontez you speak of?
  19. Holy vanguard will lose
  20. Lol lose what?