AD3D vs Holy Vanguard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bmx4lyph, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. I'm done talking. I'll be waiting for you. I'm goin to sleep now, please don't take my fake gold.
  2. Lol your gonna be waiting a while bud, keep xtaling those haunts in the meanwhile though.

    And no you're not going to sleep, not for another 8-10 hours.

    Eb warriors make for easy tracking ;)
  3. Haha might wanna track for another week before you assume I'll be up for another 8 hours. Goodnight sweetie.
  4. hi everyone 
  5. heyy vontez how was ur kaw break?
  6. supporting hv all the way
  7. @ TNT. Why do you keep
    Calling people eb fairies? Did you win your fancy equipment some place else? Did you build those stats from only warring? Judging by your measley 10000 losses, I'm guessing you must have done a real lot of ebs, so in reality, you're a bigger eb fairy than most on this thread.
  8. ATR:
    25 houra ago: hit eb
    22 hours ago: hit eb
    20 hours ago: hit eb
    16 hours ago: hit eb
    13 hours ago: 30 hits on 2 hour eb
    10 hours ago: no hits
    7 hours ago: no hits
    5 hours ago: hit eb

    Only an eb fairy can't see a bed time there noob. Lie all you wan't, doesnt matter to me.

    Just makes you look dumb.
  9. @ sorry TNT. You're the only noob I see on this thread you pathetic big mouthed hide behind your clan coward swine.
  10. Just waiting for your stupid ass reply. Idk why im helping you out but do you think my sleep schedule is always that way? Keep checking eb history stupid ass. Now im goin to sleep. You osw badass.
  11. @Alison- I gueas you right, I should probably shut my mouth and let my betters speak, such as your self right?

    Not everyone can rack up 40k losses like you, great and powerful warrior. bet more then half of those are from getting bent over the fence by kotfe, am I right?
  12. And lol hide behind my clan what? I don't seem to recall ever mentioning my clan idiot. And I never would.
  13. The Kotfe thing is really old. Only halfwits like you try that old insult. Try another, or better still leave your little war and visit my news and we see who gets bent over you gutless little nobody.
  14. Not a reg fan btw. But anyone who takes the piss out of Alison is fine by me.
  15. @ oh and TNT, I'm no warrior. I'm not even a good farmer, but I can ruin big mouthed little accounts like yours without any trouble, time and time again.
  16. "Coward swine, gutless nobody"


    Never seen somebody put such intelligent insults on forums before, im impressed.

    Impressed that you get cell service out there yander on the farm.

    Leave my osw for a 1v1 with the mighty forum farmer alison? Tempting...but unfortunately I don't abandon clan during an osw.

    Your always welcome to join my post war list though if you would like, heck id even move you to #1 :).

    Or you could get started early, I wouldnt mind ;). Don't expect return though, mamma always told me to hit CA first!
  17. @ oohh! You have a list. Please don't move me to the top, I couldn't stand it. Nitwit.
  18. Hahaha thanks lop, to be honest im just happy she noticed me, her being a legend and all.

    Im a nitwit now? Is that an upgrade from swine? Hold on, lemme check in my hillbilly dictionary.

    It is!!! You growing fond of me?