AD3D vs Holy Vanguard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bmx4lyph, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Don't think Merica did very good against them.
  2. Merica won, the hippies back home just protested 
  3. Not in this version
  4. Merica won? Sinde when?
  5. Buckeye shows how ignorant he truely is lol
  6. So Merica also won vs Canada when we burnt the whitehouse down?
  7. merica never warred canada derp
  8. Britain they warred Britain which controlled Canada in 1812 idiot ^
  9. It still counts as warring British bro, they were British troops.
  10. All the idiots are back on this thread hashashi and balto need to join forces that would make for one stupid clan
  11. Ya but Canada was part of Britain so it also counts as warring Canada mostly cause it started out in Canada America did war canada
  12. We warred a british colony in territory thats now canada, thats like saying whenever mexico went to war it was america…
  13. I wish balto was bigger.....
  14. Please grow so i can actually hit you balto, for now ill just pin bmx or whoever i feel like in ad3d
  15. @ alex that analogy is stupid
  16. How? lol in what way is it stupid? please explain im very interested to hear your genius
    /end sarcasm
  17. I'm not even going to answer that
  18. Cause you cant, your just a talker who dosent know what he is talking about, so tht makes you a rambler, you just go on and on
  19. I know what I'm talking about