AD3D vs Holy Vanguard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bmx4lyph, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Lmao! Mop it up holy vanguard.
  2. Wandering how balto has the nerve to call anyone an idiot.

    Does he not know hes made a huge fool of himself and will be known as a forum noob for a long time to come?
  3. I'm wondering how HV has the nerve to call bmx a coward for calling in help when they - a clan 2x as big stat wise and member wise (not just after bmx purged roster, I've been watching).

    What happened to the clan who tried to take on Red and Cella? Descended into the realm of having to get their rocks off in easily winnable circumstances. Here you are chest bumping over smacking a tiny clan. Pathetic.
  4. Mop it up hv? Lol wow all these people trashing my clan makes me enforce this harder and longer :) im loving the negative publicity an bashing on ME & AD3D.. go ahead keep trolling my thread people it doesn't change anything
  5. Wasn't this clan created like a week ago?

    Tough guys hmmm..

  6. Not even, 3 days ago.
  7. Bmx cleared his clan, changed his build to best suit the fight he's in, and is doing the best he can with few members and limited resources he has. Bmx IS a true kaw warrior. Any war clan would be glad to have someone so committed.
  8. Must be hard fighting 8 ppl 
  9. I'm willing to bet if even half of us who pledged support to Bmx were to show up. He could handle it enough to win. Saying nothing of the fact that several of the supporters own clans or run clans that each could easily kick HV ass. So. If Bmx gets a little help from those of us free to do it why not
  10. Lol. Isn't that the best results of a osw? Get ppl to leave then farm until it forces them to change build and then farm to not let them grow If still mouthing....perma farm. Shock will make sure that happens.

  11. Some players don't care about grow. Only fight, so effectively holy dom, you could be rewarding not punishing them.
  12. Lol if sending my members to another good clan & changing my build to win whenever I already planned on doing so is there goal. Then sure but am I hurting by it? Not at all, there pointless hits and staying 0'd shows me that they are scared. And if its not beong scared than so be it. Either way the trash talking is getting so old guys... truley is but hey I guess thats why I usually stay out of forums lol
  13. They aren't that small... They have Zerg to call on whenever they need help.
  14. The more the merrier!
  15. Go holy hanguard beat some ass!!!! Lol
  16. Bmx....why??? all the spy defence if you are a pure spy do you know what you are doing???
  17. @glamour girl. Hahahab ur still ratin my name
  18. This is about smacking big mouths not picking on smaller clans. We have given bmx and clan a way out. A surrender on forums instead of biting his pride and saving his clan he kicked them all and changed build which some may say is a true warrior and they may be right but definately not a leader. To the comment of any clan would be lucky to have bmx you are right but not as a leader