AD3D vs Holy Vanguard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bmx4lyph, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. nice title you should change it no smallest beast since highlands T4 came out
  2. While I hate to be on the same side as someone like Balto. I am

    HV is not a war clan that picked fights with larger clans. When they fought a larger clan they were always reduced to a core group of members willing to fight until they were given a cf by the larger enemy due to respect for holding out so long. Which is why a few of the HV members get respect. However. After every war they were small and had to rebuild. Once again becoming an eb clan. Having leadership who can war does not make you a war clan. Having history of war does not make you a war clan. Wanting war. Searching for war. Willing to war for nothing. Winning wars (not always all but some). Requiring all members to war. Having the majority of your clan be the base which will stay for the war. That makes you a war clan. HV has gotten to fairly large sizes several times. Yet it always looses the majority. The excuse will be something like their guests. Or not true members. The fact is that it's an eb clan willing to hold its own. The same as coup de grace(I apologize if I spelled it wrong) was when they fought IG. The difference. Afterword. They didn't make the mistake They took training and were able to call themselves warriors

    Any who claim HV are not what I just said are ignorant, idealists, suck ups or a combination of the three. There is no denial. It is not an insult but a fact. Take it as such. The first step to change is admiting that you are what you are

    And saying Bmx isn't a warrior insults not just the training he received in ISS but several other groups as well. Take it up with them because I believe they earn the right to call the people they teach warriors
  3. I may have been thinking of 'knightmare not coup in my last post. But the idea remains. (I can't remember which one took the training after being pounded by ig. But it's not that important).

    Also. To my first sentence. I say that because I'd happily slap him around too. And he makes my job harder because "he dishonorable to cause. Kill now. Save team"
  4. Lols to the people who think im a eb noob! And the attention seeking blood suckin leech's on my thread. Omg seriously fight and shut up already im over the whole blah blah he said this drama... it is what it is people. . ... ... ......(now watch the comments roll in once again) ill sit back and laugh lol
  5. The first respectable comment on this thread
  6. Your first sentence disappoints me, sky.
  7. And If you meant warrior as in lose all your allies and go pure spy so you have nothing to lose. Then hell ya bmx is a total warrior. Changed his build has no allies and kicked almost his entire clan
  8. Didn't know you weren't allowed to change builds during a war. But hey, I'm no expert.

    I'm flattered you all at Hv are trying to blame me for part of starting this osw. Its adorable. For my memory, I came to help a friend and recieved multiple hits from HV and a wall post from shocker's alt about ending it.

    So I have a 'big mouth' for saying I won't ditch someone to join a clan to stop being farmed? Trust me, I can handle a few hits.

    It looks like an excuse to me. BMX and Bacon being big mouths as a reason for osw is false. Hv is giving an excuse for picking on a smaller clan for more members. Well done. A noble cause.
  9. @ bacon first realistic answer I've seen on this thread
  10. For how this started
  11. Another 1 bites the dust
  12. Baltos shut the hell up, stop bumping this thread until people who have something important and on topic to say come back on, go fight that osw you were so eager to fight.
  13. No ones on I expected something interesting to happen
  14. Ad3d called in a 14 mil cs peep, nice work noble 'warriors'.
  15. Vontez what happened to him?
  16. Shut up fuzz your an idiot