Ad Mortem's war on kaw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIlllIIIl__PB__IlIlIlllIIIl, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. I know...we were talking about spammers. Jennifer asked about asking the spammers to leave. And I responded. I was unaware I would have to specify who I speaking about after her post.
  2. Hi I've never been in an osw ..just wanted to ask if once in osw..if all the allies are stripped/pots finished/continuous incoming attacks..are there any chance of recovery ? Or is it that we gotta keep pinned ourself 24/7 ! I think u guys are the best to ask this query from and hope that this won't be considered as spam !
    and How much are osw different from SW?
  3. raghav - Follow me. I'll answer all your questions regarding OSW.
  4. He he :) Thanks :)
  5. Thanks for restoring the thread PB. It was locked by ATA for spam.

    I asked ATA to review it to look at the name of the player who was spamming. My assumption is that they locked it because of his insanity.


    Apparently they changed his name from the offensive one to butthurt 

    Don't spam our stuff. Even if you're a worthless alt (looks like he just reset also) or we'll get you.

    While forums is no way to win a war, it is a nice way to get hearts and minds to your way of thinking. We are clearly adept at both of these game aspects and look forward to more challenges on both fronts.

    ad mortem
  6. LMAO! :lol: :lol: 

    That's a beautiful name. I love the tags lol
  7. Shh swabs don't give away out psychological warfare strategy :lol:
  8. If I asked you to join, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?
  9. Nervere please go on topic or leave.
  10. On page 3...

    How come I'm not on the support list??

    I <3 ad mortem and would <3 to visit and war with u guyz
  11. Change the name to a better name

    Make it look nice

    Ad Mortem Declares War on KaW
  12. Regarding page 3, thats not a support list. Your thread isnt as popular as you think.

    That list of people is a list of players viewing this section of forums, and notyour individual thread. Derp.
  13. ^read the whole thread that was already pointed out. now please go back on topic or leave.
  14. Seems like a good clan..

    If I wasn't already in an osw family I'd defo look to join
  15. i just recently left ad mortem. very fun clan with awesome ppl. i support this movement :cool:
  16. Whyd you leave?? ;)

    ad mortem
  17. Support your local farming chapter :twisted:

    Ad Mortem
  18. Oli 

     For reasons that escape me, I asociate your name with the color