Ad Mortem's war on kaw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIlllIIIl__PB__IlIlIlllIIIl, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. @machine if you read my post after I posted "*he" bit that's not relevant to this thread please stay on topic
  2. Ok. Back on topic.

    ad mortem
  3. Grammar - As far as I'm awair the only memers who had permenent spot reserved from the beginning were NemesisFlip, -MW- (MeatWhistle), Krakkerz, kingofstupids, (possibly) Toast, (Possibly) Zuuls, (Possibly) Mookie. All others, and possibly some of the "(possibly)"s, were rectuited by the original thread or through war. If I'm mistaken and have some names wrong, my bad.

     ༺☠ⱥd̸ m̸o̸r̸t̸e̸m̸☠༻ 
  4. But yes, Swabia deserves a great amount of respect and recognition for his actions and intentions before the clan was made.

    Support Swabia!
  5. I was definitely not an original, but I supported thread and was invited by Swabia. :) have been perm since.

    ad 
  6. ad mortem*

  7. @frank I'd have to ask him myself, but it seemed as if the clan was made one day and doing b2b hauntings the next :lol:
  8. Grammar - We were :lol: I joined the day of it's creation and have been perm since. The originals in clan were Swabia, NemesisFlip, 100GZ, and me. lol But that was before most who were invited joined and also prior to most members recruited off the thread joined. Many members who joined were not held spots prior to their joining. I know that for sure lol. The thread picked up alot of members on its own, aswell as alot of support. If you ask Swabia and he replies let me know what he says, I'm curious myself lol
  9. grammar_unicorn please go on topic or leave. do not correct spelling on this thread.

    also if any off those people i listed want to give me hits feel free. i like hits lol and ill return.
  10. Members did bring a friends though. Drgn and cold were friends that I invited and who are now perms. (I think cold is taking a break atm)
  11. Support for ad Mortem I'll be visiting in about a month
  12. Nervere - I have an honest question for you.

    Why are you stalking all our threads? If you're so fascinated by ad mortem you could always contact an admin and at least try to join. Your stats are super small but all the little frickers need love too 
  13. Man my typing sucks today :oops:
  14. That's tiger assassin frank...
  15. I love kaw - I invited Drgn aswell  Aswell as DreadLSA , The One, and sort if Arkst (My admit art is on his wall).

    Many of our perm members are friends in some way. We're all forumers too :lol:
  16. Oh you're tiger? Nice name change. I know of you, yes. Who doesn't anymore? I'm just not sure of why you're so hated lol aside from the random posts and what not.

    Back on topic, Ad Mortem is still open to new fresh meat  If you're looking for a fun, extremely tight knit, clan to kick some ass in join up  If you're an EB noob reading this, yes it's okay to join. We're open to all players and will gladly teach the ways of war to anyone who needs it. Just don't be a complete newb.
  17. Lol not total newb