Ad Mortem's war on kaw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIlllIIIl__PB__IlIlIlllIIIl, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Thanks for the support
  2. Hmm, for an extortion clan you guys CF a lot well we are here now and you are the only targets lets have fun :)
  3. I can't tell how many sentences this is supposed to be. Your message got lost.
  4.  no punctuations? Duh!
  5. Stealth_attack should buy some spy defense pots. c
  6. cheese ignore the butthurt noobs :lol: :lol: :lol:
    I agree stealth should buy some pots. and his allies keep disappearing :eek: :eek:
  7.  oh no PB! I'll call the cops!  stealing is strictly prohibited around here! 
  8. Without the other clan accepting a CF which terms include the hirring of an ally how would we actually be extorting anything? If we simply continued go hit and hit and never let the other clan agree to our CF terms we wouldn't be extorting now would we?
  9. Bump[BANG]------
  10. Am wouldn't have all this hat pe if noobs like frank weren't the ones representing them on forums. Certain leaders of am are respected, that doesn't make all your members respected. Am really needs to get this noob on a leash.
  11. There goes kotfe, trying to tell people how to run their clans again. :roll:
  12. And here comes cheese, just arguing with anything I say xD.
  13. I like you, korean. Alison has said some great stuff about you. The way you speak to me and the way you show you care says a lot about you. I respect you.

    But think about the type of clan AM is.

    Swabia started it, and he is a notorious forumer. MW is there, too, and he's just as bad, if not worse than, Swabs.

    So I think it's only natural that loud-mouthed forumers make a home at AM. I had planned to stay there myself, except there was a conflict between friends of mine on both sides, so I stepped away.

    Now that it's over, I may decide to go back after this conflict with your clan ends.

    But I don't think it's fair for you to try to tell them how to run their clan.
  14. And here comes Drgn asking that all parties please keep this thread on topic..
  15. Yes I agree with drgn. Cheese you are a great friend, however stay on topic please. Thanks bro. 
  16. ad mortem clone :lol: clan loosing members and most are potless. a failed attempt at stopping us.
  17. Lol one person left from our clan . Half you're clan left LOL so did you hahah
  18. Sorry you're not getting all the attention you thought you would. Most members are potting/building up atm but will return soon.
  19. My news is available for all you noobs. I promise i will return. Adrock and
    Anyone else who has hit me knows!
