Ad Mortem's war on kaw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIlllIIIl__PB__IlIlIlllIIIl, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Jimmy - And you've warred us first hand and beat us to a pulp? Of course you have, what am I thinking. Its not like you've never been in my news feed before or any of ours for that matter. It's not like the clan your in agreed to a cf.

    Bow down to the great jimmy who destroyed ad mortem :|

    You're a noob hiding behind other people. If you want to expres your hate, do it by your self. Take cheese for an example. Single handedly humiliated one of the greatest war clans in KaW and only after getting reemed by the Machines joined a clan of other warriors willing to fight along side him.

    He's a great warrior, respected player, and good friend.

    You're just pathetic.
  2. res your family of clans was hitting us. wether that is 3 guys from 8 clans or however many clans you have or if it was all members of all your clans. the point is its not much of an accomplishment for a huge family clan to beat one smaller clan. that is the point. Your members all come around bragging like they did something. But in reality it was nothing. Happy kawing
  3. So u guys tearing apart small eb clans that u brag about hitting isn't an accomplishment either spend a bit more time learning from -mw- krakkerz and swabia nd less on forums maby then you'll be able to fight as big as you talk.
  4. we fight clans our size. i spend most my time in kaw. im only in forums to help manage this thread. you wont see me on many other threads. If it isnt an accomplishment to beat clan after clan that is our size or near our clan rank then idk what is. We never call in help we dont use multiple clans to fight. It is always us vs the clan we target. why your member come here to trash talk is an interesting question.
  5. Check out all the clans on the victory list. Some of the "small EB clans" aren't so small after all.
  6. Smilerz - How about you learn a little more about our clan before you start talking about us like you know everything that we've done, everything we are doing, and everything we stand for. Don't make assumptions about us or our members. The clan was created by swabia, the idea was thought of by swabia. Telling us to learn from him is only making you look dim witted.
  7. Swabia has a reputation as a fighter you 3 stooges seem to do all your fighting on the forums done with this thread now you guys can boost each others ego's away
  8. We fight on forums? Are you listening to yourself? Honestly everything you say makes no sense. We fight in the game, we fight as a clan against a clan. If that clan is our size and not some popular oversized war clan, so be it. We're not that big yet. We use forums as a way to convey what we're doing to the public. We provide information on our goals, views, current targets, and much more through our posts on this thread. We may run into the occasional butt hurt noob but that shouldn't mean we're fighting our wars on forums. If all we do is "fight" on forums, please explain our list of victories, various apology threads, noob rage on our walls, and our decent amount of hate threads.

    Our clan is full of forumers. Of course we'll be seen on forums, that's what we do. If you can't handle that, leave forums :lol:
  9. Yeah, imagine a clan full of forumers always posting on threads. I've never heard of such a thing. :roll:

    I love all the blowhards on here yapping about how AM only picks on "small eb clans" without even knowing what the **** is really going on. You ***** about it, yet when one of your members gets farmed off the BL (which is a legitimate source of targets for our clan, and most war clans if I'm not mistaken) you get all butthurt and attack us, a "smaller war clan" with 5-6 of your huge war clans. Hypocrite much? According to what you're crying about, you and your family didn't do anything different than what you're accusing us of doing.

    Way to go, you guys are awesome. (in case it's not already implied, and for those of you that are as dumb as rocks and won't understand, /end sarcasm.)
  10. Support enjoy AD MORTEM
  11. @Drgn, wait... So you're telling me... A clan of forumers... Posts in the forums?! Madness!
  12. Lol death it is hard to believe
  13. This is Sparta

    Sorry couldn't resist
  14. PB - I've built up a resistence to yelling that out in public. It wa hard...but it is possible.
  15. It happens everyday, I yell out "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" while going about my business. Usually a few strange looks is all I get.
  16. :lol: did anyone else see the update in WC saying "The clan Ad Mortem Clone has been created"??? :lol:
  17. This Is Sparta 

    Love what you's are doing at ad mortem

  18. Thank you king :)
  19. I come back from my 2-4 month vacation from Kaw and I like what I see here. Full support