Ad Mortem's war on kaw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIlllIIIl__PB__IlIlIlllIIIl, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Hope we can all war one day 
  2. this forum spam reminds me of when noah spammed all of Ad Motem's walls with bypasses.
  3. Okay, back on topic now.

    Ad mortem is welcoming most players to visit and war along side us aswell as to stay and become an official member of our clan. We welcome all players with past war experience aswell as players with no war experience (EB noobs) to be trained and made into good warriors. We are not looking for members with no playing experience, however some may be accepted depending on the situation.

    Ad Mortem War with us, noobs okay - just don't be a newb 

     Ad Mortem 
  4. Walking - I have much respect to Alpha  Stop by some time and we can speak about war and other future endevours.
  5. ad mortem rubbish clan
  6. Yet another loud mouth unwilling and deathly afraid to post with a main...
  7. If we're rubbish why post with an alt?

    Ad Mortem
    Making noobs and their alts cry for mercy since '12
  8. GaIaxy - As it is currently the year 2012 it is unproper to say "Since '12" for the word "since" implies a history before the present. It is presently 2012, "since '12" is wrong.

    We have made clans diplomaticly ask for a cf, made noobs cry and ask why we're farming on our walls, we've even made clans give us payment before we ever hit, but we have hardly made anyone cry for mercy. The fact is, we're a business. We diplomaticly, after physicaly, ask for money in exchange for a stop on all hits, we don't hit and force them to pay until they break down and beg at our feet for any mercy they can get.

    In fact we don't force anything. We may make players do certain things through specific actions, but we don't force anything. Forcing players to do anything is against the ToU. Like i said, we're a business. Not a gang.

    If you're going to post on forums, in our thread, and with our tag be sure to get all info right and make it sound good. Don't do a half ass job of representing.

    Just a few tips for next time 

     Ad Mortem 
  9. Keep it up ad mortem! You have our full support!

    BWS - CoS Admin
  10. Lmao at the spam on this thread keep up the good work ..and Frankenstein you truly are a complete noob 
  11. Before someone asks.... NO Frank is not in charge of Ad Mortem! He just gets excited easily.

    Ad Mortem
  12. Frank is so eloquent

  13. Can you guys hit back yet? God
  14. So let me get this straight cause I'm a bit confused. You're basically telling people they have to buy an ally from you or else you kick the **** out of them? That's kinda what it sounded like but idk.
  15. Eagle, that's exactly what there saying, and they scare me.
  16. Don't be scared. They don't hit back.
  17. What is there to be scared about...just tell them where to go and hit's fairly simple to do 
  18. I love the butthurt causing this thread to be bumped so often.
  19. It was cleaned up. Nice.