Ad Mortem's war on kaw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlIlllIIIl__PB__IlIlIlllIIIl, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. thats why you went from 8 to 1... makes a ton of sense...
  2. As you get lower in your spy or troop bar, your attack/ spy attack also drops. I also lose less spies or troops when you attack/spy me. Therefore, the number of adp/sdp I use drops depending on how many troops/spies we each have.
  3. We both know what happened buddy.
  4. You don't really.

    oh well, have fun being pinned.
  5. Thanks! Have fun wasting your time!
  6.  how bout you both stop the talk as get in each others news. Way better then **** talking in forums
  7. Ugh I hate that phrase/saying. Why can't they do both at the same time? Lol ;)
  8. good point... though this isnt really trash talking... just witty banter
  9. or not-so-witty banter perhaps?
  10. Actually, I am hitting. That's why a dtw notification is popping up when I select assassinate on soz's profile ;)
  11. as long as you're hitting me, you're not hitting someone who actually matters :lol:
  12. I entered that into google translate from noob>English...

    It said please stop hitting me :|
  13. I'm on regen. One-two assassinations keeps you pinned and me gaining troops.
  14. I wish there were noobs like key my size...
  15. Noob alt bypass...
  16. Man swab you must've really destroyed that dudes main for him to be this butthurt
  17. I think you're just jealous that you don't get to suck Swabias metrosexual nipples... :lol:
  18. Sorry I revealed your true intentions.
  19. I hear chloroform works well! ;)