ad mortem declares war on KaW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Swabia, Jul 31, 2012.

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  1. Ban*

    Please learn to spell properly before stating any comment on any thread.
  2. Hmm I wonder by who

  3. [​IMG]
  4. support to bloody tampon lmao keep up the good is hilarious
  5. Not really. If asked, a mod will kindly clean it up for us and it will look like you were never even here.
  6. Haha true drgn
  7. [​IMG]
  8. How does that even relate to my post?

    Anyway, show me your main and I will. Gladly.

  9. fine.... lets go!

  10. You agreed to Drgns post, yet I see no main. Only another homosexualy undertoned photo that isn't funny, nor related, one bit.

    Bloody, this is your last chance. Leave this thread now, I will not ask again.

  11. nice to see i got a fan.... :D
  12. You guys at az mortem take things way to serious...tampon is only having a bit of fun and yr getting all butt hurt 
  13. Sad to see this thread go like this....
  14. fine.... last one.


  15. thank you for telling it like it is.... serious ppl dont see it how we do. :lol:
  16. Emily - This thread will be cleaned up in the mear future. All these posts will be gone.

  17. yes this thread will be cleaned up in the mear future..... mear future.... i didnt know such a thing.

  18. Near*

    Coming from the guy who can barely type a proper sentence I wouldn't be talking, fool.

  19. spensa homie

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