And what about the CoS members that post that signature on every post they make regardless of whether their allies make the thread? I understand that they are backing up their allies, but posting CoS at the end of each post is kinda an overkill... Anyway, I see I'm not going to win this argument. I just think its unnecessary. Specifically when they have the clan tag in their name anyway... Good job Swabia and ad mortem. Have fun playing the game like it should be played.
It's no different from other clans and alliances. I use CR/KotFE as an example. We choose to post our clan tag in posts as well. Conclave of Shadows
Advertising for members lol.....Im always gonna be too small now :cry: but on a good note i hope that means Im too much of a waste of your time to hit me Good luck, great idea!
I think I'll start posting on toasts wall when I farm so it's already there when they go to complain.
Dang Toast, sucks to be me :lol: Im already in a 1 vs 1 that cant count, please give me grace, i forgot what pots are and whats eb? whats troops and spies lol