Really? Trying to put down a new and growing clan because they couldn't beat AAH? It's like you guys think top notch war clans just appear out of thin air. As far as I see, ad mortem is doing quite well. At least they're playing the game like it should be played, instead of sitting around eb'ing like most of you.
Eb's, which I do rarely. Actually my one today was the first in well over a month. Tell me guy...where is your main?
@Machinegun That wasn't a win, that was a mutual CF (I think) Post with your main Nevere, or leave the thread because the item stage in your EB is coming up.
Personally, I think there's nothing wrong with hitting ebs, especially if it's to item hunt. Items are required to stay competitive in today's KaW world. What I do think is wrong, is that the majority of KaW ONLY hits ebs and has no idea what war even is, and has never even been in one. Sadly, a lot of those players are hlbc too..
Trash talk all you will, at least Ad Mortem had the guts to pick a fight with AAH. No shame in not winning that. They at least tried and some members might have learned something. Again respect to Ad Mortem for our war.
Wow Nervere, sweet burn bro. Let me know how 4th grade goes this year. Magoo, was a general statement. If you're warring then good on ya. And as far as I know, iG has absolutely no connection to ad mortem. I just like what they're about.
I just looked up your main, "yourmom". Non-pro player Clan: R-E-S-P-E-C-T Academy Active for 7 days 135K CS Is that your main Nevere? :lol: