ad mortem declares war on KaW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Swabia2, Jul 31, 2012.

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  1. yeah.. Good job AAH...
    Even if they were fighting only 30-35 members and only a couple of those were even HLBC..and the clan is only a couple of weeks old.. 

    Ad Mortem
  2. Good luck guys lmao
  3. I declare that ad mortem is officially done and finished....R.I.P
  4. Lol yes moose. Ad mortem. You were good while it lasted but you can you have only 2 members that have hit me back out of your clan. That's not much.
  5. Some people aren't worth hitting back.
  6. But anyways, ad mortem, I will not be hitting you anymore. I came looking for war but you did not want it.
  7. Super, nobody loves you. That's why. Maybe you need to be more loveable before we whack you.
  8. Wow, your funny.
  9. Lol toast. I lol'ed when you said love..
  10. I love toast
  11. What's going on here?
  12. A few weeks ago ad mortem declared war on all of KaW. Gutsy move. But so far as I can tell they did something to piss off Abandon All Hope, and apparently lost badly.

    But that's just what I've gathered. I have no independent corroboration on any of it, so please don't assume it's true.
  13. Talk as much crap as you want about ad mortem. Our clan wall is full of a list of clans which have paid extortions of 50b or surrendered to us due to getting smashed.

    If success is measured in billions I'd say a clan which actively extorts 200b a day in ally trading and transferred it among its members to generate more capital is a vast success.

    This clan model is different than any current clan (but read original page to see where I got the idea). We are currently small for a reason. Building up our core 30-35 members will allow us a foundation to build more players exponentially and extort more clans.

    Talk crap now while talk is cheap. Talk crap with your statless alts too as its all you'll ever have.

    Ad Mortem
  14. If only people could talk on mains....
  15. That is mooses main.
  16. Why would I post with an alt
  17. Support we need more war clans
    Didn't read all 62 pages  better things to do
    But I like how it's a small clan too quality not quantity is needed and few against many so much more fun than large clans bashing smaller ones
    I'm not picking sides yet depends on the war but support for war 
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