ad mortem declares war on KaW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Swabia2, Jul 31, 2012.

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  1. Damn :( no emoticon for that
  2. Dumbass alert...
    Nice swabs.
  3. :roflshidmtamsfo:
  4. Dang, nothing for "Rolling On the Floor Laughing So Hard I Drop My Taco And My Sombrero Fell Off"
  5. Go Sawbia

    Conclave of Shadows
  8. It has a nice ring to it.
  9. Doesn't it? :lol:
  10. Why are all these people posting CoS... :? This has nothing to do with them... Go away lol
  11. Yeah CoS is their ally smart one
  12. Yes it does. Ad mortem are our allies.
  13. (/)_-) not hard to notice....

    Btw nice name ;)
  14. CoS was our first ally. I have requests in to other clans for more alliances.

    They're supporting their alliance.
  15. Nice tag you got there 
  16. You're a dumbass is my point.
  17. Alliances show support for each other and have each others' backs.
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